Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 98

Hello all! Well, it has been busy, busy, busy. We're so excited to be in a different living room almost every evening sharing our story, product and company with great folks. We have been so blessed to have an incredible team that has huge dreams. Evenings that we haven't had presentations we have been working on goal planning with our team and it has been so exciting to see the great things happening for those brave enough to venture out and create the life they want for themselves and their families.

We are reading a great book by Robert Kiyosaki, "The Business School Book". What a great read!!! It has been great in keeping our motivation high and our presentation fun.

As for the weight loss, again, we haven't weighed in recently. Honestly though, I'm not nearly as worried about the bathroom scale as I was on previous 'diets' because my clothes fit great, I feel great and I can see a visible difference in the mirror. We'll be headed to the food bank again in the next couple of weeks, so I'm sure we'll weigh in before then. Nathan has been running, lifting weights, playing basketball and even gave 'P90X' a go yesterday. He claims he'll be back to weights, basketball and running tomorrow... :). I'm still doing my 2.5 miles a day and throwing in some light weights when I can. We're both feeling great and our level of energy gets better by the day!

Speaking of community projects, we're collecting school supplies for the boys and girls club in St. Thomas for our 'Qivana Cares' mission while we're there. We've already purchased several things ourselves and are in awe of the people wanting to participate and send supplies along with us for these less fortunate boys and girls. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people! On that note, time to get some things done and hit the hay before another exciting day!

May your day be filled with kindness & Blessings!


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