Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 183 Final Official Entry

Wow...this is it...the last official posting of the 'Metaboliq Lifestyle Transformation Project'. Hard to seems like yesterday we were celebrating the launch of this incredible product in Jacksonville!

Since our last posting, we've done some traveling in South Florida, welcomed some wonderful new team members to our group, and continued on our journey. The house continues to transform, the kids rooms are now underway. The whole house has really had a face lift this summer, one that we've wanted to do for several years now. With the financial freedom of our growing Qivana business and the time freedom it has allowed us this summer, we've been able to see all those projects through!

Our travels have led us to so many amazing new friends and business partners. Our team is scattered about the country and is soon to expand into Mexico! We're brushing up on our spanish with the help of some new friends. What an exciting time to be in business with such a record breaking company...expanding into new markets and releasing new products...we are looking forward to so many adventures.

Our official 'Pound for Pound Challenge' is coming to an end. However, we will continue to donate both food and our time. This has been such an exciting journey with our team and our family. Many of our team members have also enjoyed healthy weight loss thanks to Dr. Layman and the Metaboliq System. The two of us are down a total of 59 pounds...and we're not done yet! We plan to continue with our boost & our shakes until we reach our final goal. The system & lifestyle make it so easy to lose weight in a healthy way while building's been wonderful! Our kids are excited about starting their day with a shake before school this year, the healthiest breakfast on earth!

So...the final tally of our challenge....

Nathan & Kelly Pence: 59 pounds lost
Food Bank of Manatee: 200 pounds gained (in food donations)
Food Bank of Manatee: $450+ in monetary donations

We are so excited to have been instrumental in adding 200 pounds of food to the Food Bank of Manatee during our challenge. Thank you to all of our team who joined us in this effort to feed the hungry! The monetary donations that we, friends, our Field Leadership and team members made on behalf of the 'Pound for Pound Challenge' exceeded $450 and we are still getting pledges! The Food Bank is able to purchase $10 worth of food for each $1 that's over $4500 worth of food!!! We are so thrilled to be giving back..."Qivana Cares" is certainly a mission we believe in!

In the course of giving our time and donations, we were reminded that you can't give without receiving. We were blessed to have our children with us each time we worked at the Food Bank, we were blessed to see them feel the reward of helping others, we were blessed to see our children give their all for the benefit of others, we were blessed to continue to surround ourselves with a caring and selfless team, we were blessed to be reminded that everything in life begins with helping someone else...

Thank you to our Qivana Founders for putting this challenge out there. We are so blessed and grateful to be part of such an amazing company. We are looking forward to so many more exciting journeys...

For those of you 'hooked' on hearing about our journey, we will be continuing the blog as well as our mission to reach out to help others...Until next time!

Blessings, Health & Love,

Nathan & Kelly

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