Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 136

Good Evening (or morning technically!). What an exciting couple of weeks we have had. Our travels have left us without much access to the blog, but I'll be sure to catch you up! You may want to get a good cup of coffee and get comfy, this one may be long!

The kids and I finished up school on June 11th for the summer. Our middle daughter graduated fifth grade and our son graduated VPK. It was an emotional day! We now have one preschooler, one Kindergartner, and three middle schoolers. Wow...time flies!

Just after school let out Nathan and I boarded a plane that should have been painted green (Qivana green of course) for St. Thomas. It was exciting to see all the familiar faces boarding for the reward trip! This was our first ever 'all expense paid trip' and it was first class all the way! We arrived that Tuesday afternoon to a view that looked like a postcard. A short bus ride brought us to the stunning Frenchman's Reef resort where we settled into our room on the third floor overlooking the beautiful water! We stood on our balcony in awe for the first 15 minutes. Partially because of the incredible beauty, partially because we were both so excited that we achieved such an important goal and partially because we fully expected to 'wake up' at any moment and realize it was all an amazing dream. It was an amazing dream, it just happened to be one in real life. That evening we enjoyed a welcome reception where we had a chance to socialize with other Founding IBOs and the Founders of this amazing company. Wednesday we awoke to the most beautiful sunrise and enjoyed a motivating breakfast meeting followed by a tour of St. John. The islands were so beautiful. That morning we also went snorkeling in Trunk Bay (details and an interesting story to follow on that, this blog is sure to be long enough so we'll save that one for later this week). Then after returning to the resort in St. Thomas we got changed and enjoyed dinner at 'The Fat Turtle' with the Douglas's. It's amazing what you can learn when you're in the presence of true leaders. Thursday we again woke to an unbelievable sunrise followed by fellowship and motivation at breakfast. The Founding IBOs all brought school supplies and goodies for the local boys and girls club, it was so uplifting to see all the donations that morning for our 'Qivana Cares' initiative. The company is comprised of such compassionate and good hearted people! After breakfast we headed out to town for some shopping. We enjoyed finding little treasures to bring home to the kids! That evening we were treated to a sunset sail. I can't even find words that can begin to express how beautiful it was. It was so much fun to be surrounded by like-minded, positive and dedicated leaders. Friday after breakfast we headed to the beach for the Yacht Regatta races. Our team consisted of the two of us, Vernon and Debra Douglas, Steve and Brynn Perkins and our fearless captain; Captain Mark. It was one of the most exciting experiences I believe I've ever had. Our team was so much fun, we all learned the basics and off we went. The first two races we came in a close second and the third we came in first. We enjoyed quite a shower in between races and learned the true meaning of team work! =) It was an experience I won't soon forget! That evening we attended the Gala Dinner at St Peters Greathouse. The view was like non-other! It was such a first class event. The food was wonderful, the company was exceptional and the memories will be cherished forever. The next day we had breakfast and checked out to head back home. Mind you, this is a brief overview of the was amazing!!! We were asked to be one of about six IBOs to speak at one of the breakfast gatherings which was such an honor. To be asked to speak in front of a room filled with leaders...we never would have imagined that happening 14 months ago! Nathan gave the talk and it was from the heart and really inspiring.

Well, that was an overview of the first of many rewards trips, when we returned we enjoyed some time with the kids, visited family in south Florida and put our middle daughter on a plane for her trip to Denver (all while enjoying some great presentations with our awesome team!). I tell you, the Pence's are becoming quite the travelers! On the agenda for this summer....presentations in Miami, Sarasota/Bradenton, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas! We are so looking forward to seeing our team across the country and helping them grow their businesses!

As for our Metaboliq that we are back we're getting back into our workout routines. Nathan has been rotating between weightlifting, running and P90X. I have been working on 'The Firm', running and doing light weight lifting. We continue to take our boost before breakfast and lunch, enjoy a shake for breakfast each morning (and many lunches) and enjoy a 'plate-look' dinner. Tonight was bunless burgers, veggies and a Caribbean side dish we got the recipe for in St Thomas! :)

That's it for now, better get a few hours of sleep before another exciting day! Goodnight and remember to dream big!!!


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