Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 165

Another exciting week ahead. We are only now realizing how soon the Metaboliq Transformation Project will be ending. It's kind of sad to think about, we've so enjoyed this journey. The journey won't end of course...the blog may not either...we may just continue to diary this journey here for those of you who are following us. We thought for a bit that with only ten registered followers that not many were following the project, but found out quickly through emails and calls that there are many more of you out there. So...here's the latest and greatest from 'Pence Manor'.

This journey has truly been a lifestyle transformation and not just a weightloss journey. The project has spurred us into more and more volunteering and becoming involved as a family with helping those around us. Our entire lifestyle has truly changed. We make it a point to work out on a daily basis and to really involve the entire family in it. The way we shop, cook and put together meals has changed completely and permanently (Thank you Dr. Layman). Our health has continued to improve on the Qore (Thank you Dr. Laux) and we continue to have an 'illness free' home! Not one sick visit in well over a year for any of the seven of us...wow. Our environment has evolved. Thanks to Qivana, this has been our first ever summer together. Both of us have been free to enjoy our family, travel and our business together. We've traveled more than ever and had so much fun! Our house is even evolving. Being that we've had the time freedom...and finally the financial freedom....and actually had the health & energy...we've started (and completed) the 'remodel' we've wanted to do for over five years! The house is just as we've wanted it and is ready for lots of family gatherings and team events!

The project has also helped us to realize the importance of counting our blessings and giving back to others. The 'pound for pound' challenge has really been inspiring for our entire family. After the article in the Qivana Success Email we've been contacted by IBOs we've never even met who wanted to be a part of this initiative. What an honor to be instrumental in encouraging others to reach out. Seeing our children engage so passionately in the project has also been so rewarding.

This project has also helped us to solidify our goals. To help others return to God's pharmacy, to reach a healthy weight, feel better, look great, and to 'ride elephants and pet monkey's' (financial freedom and living the dream from the eyes of our five year old!). Working with our friends and Qivana family to help them reach financial freedom and live the lives they've only dreamed possible...is there any better career path than that?! We don't think so. One of our favorite quotes (we think from the Qivana Launch, but can't remember who said it)...'There's a recession...we choose not to participate'. We sat last night during our 'Family Fun Night' and updated Dream Boards with our kids...it was so inspiring to see how big they dream and how positive their outlook on life is!!!

And of course our health transformation. We're down another collective 13 pounds... That's a total weight so far of 45 pounds. What a difference that makes on your confidence, your energy, your outlook and your comfort!

Well, the meals continue much like you've seen. This morning we enjoyed a delicious chocolate shake...for lunch- you guessed it, another shake (so easy when you're busy!) and for dinner we enjoyed Taco Salad. No suffering or starving going on here! Kelly enjoyed a nice long jog and Nathan got his work-out carpenter style! This week is a busy one with meetings and events followed by more volunteering at the foodbank! :) We have a team get-together coming up and can't wait to start tallying the total team combined weightloss and share it with you! On another happy note, we spoke to Nathan's mother who received the best doctors report she'd heard in a long time thanks to her Qivana journey! Sugars-down, blood-pressure-perfect, cholesterol- spot on, weight- down another 9 pounds...watch out world...Alma's getting younger!

Well...we'd love to hear from you...leave us a comment or send a message about your personal transformation! Time to get a few winks before another transforming day...make it a great one!

Belief & Blessings,

Nathan & Kelly

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 160

Hello all! It has been such a fun summer. We've been enjoying traveling with the kids and visiting friends, family and business partners. We are so blessed to have this opportunity, we've met so many new friends and it has truly changed our perspective on life.

The days have been filled with either traveling or remodeling (new drywall & floors) which has been great. This is the first summer that our entire family has been able to be home together (thank you Qivana!). The evenings have been filled with awesome presentations by doctors and diamonds and friends. We've welcomed more friends to the team and are so excited to watch them meet their goals and reach their dreams.

As for the weight loss...it continues. We've lost another combined 6 pounds...time to get some canned food together! :) We're excited about making another trip to the food bank before the summer is over. There was a great article talking about the importance of giving back that we were so honored to be part of. If you'd like to read it click here; http://www.qivana.com/blog/nathan-kelly-pence/. We all really enjoyed volunteering last time we were there, the kids got so much out of it.

The menu has remained much the same, shakes and boost at breakfast, plate-look for lunch and dinner. Today was shake for breakfast, eggs & veggies for lunch and then rotisserie chicken and veggies for dinner...yummmm. Our exercise changes up from weights to runs to long walks with all the kids...we love that we can make it a family transformation as journey through this Metaboliq Challenge! The kids enjoy the sticks for snacks and love working out together either walking or playing in the yard.

Well, it is late and I better rest...I'm not much of a carpenter even when I'm rested!

Sleep well & dream big,


Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 143

Hello All...

It's been a whirlwind lately with our travels to St. Thomas & South Florida, Team events, and the Fourth of July. I know Kelly updated you on the overview of our St. Thomas trip, but I would like to add my thank you to all of the unseen contributors who made the trip the memorable experience that it was. To all the founding IBOs who were there, it was great making connections and new friendships with you.

Once we got home, it took a day or two to get back in the swing of things (''Island time'' moves at a much slower pace). After a short adjustment, we hit the ground running. We had an awesome week of presentations leading up to a motivating Luau with our team. Next year's reward trip for Qivana leaders will be held on the beautiful island of Kauai, what better way to gear up for it than a Luau?! I personally can't think of a better way to earn travel, than by helping others not only with their financial freedom, but also with their health. Everyday I become more excited just knowing that I've touched others lives.

The week following the Team Luau we traveled to South Florida to work with our team members there. Then the Fourth of July weekend we were blessed to be able to work along side our children at the Food Bank of Manatee for half a day. I can't express in words the pride Kelly and I felt watching our children not only contribute to the community but learn a life lesson. Not only did they learn from the experience, but they also enjoyed themselves tremendously. I couldn't help but smile to see them throw themselves so whole-heartedly into the effort. Volunteering as a family for community services like the food bank is definitely something I would urge others to participate in...it is a priceless experience.

Once again, I am posting in the wee hours of the morning with a full day ahead. We have an exciting presentation with our mentor and friend Vernon at our home and as I write this we are still in South Florida. I hope you and your family enjoyed the Fourth as much as we did. Thank you to all the veterans who have contributed so much for our freedom.

Goodnight & God Bless,
