Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 50

The weather is finally warming up a bit. It has been an unusually cold year. Today was great, busy day at the school followed by a quick visit to a wonderful team member to go over some information, a not-so-fast run and yummy dinner before we dashed out to hear John Terhune speak at the Gainesville Open Meeting. It was wonderful to see so many of our team members (27!) there tonight!

We will definitely be re-measuring soon...I'm wearing all the clothes that haven't fit in years! A few of us discussed tonight that we aren't seeing dramatic differences on the bathroom scale but rather in the way our clothes are fitting, just like Dr. Layman said we would. What a great system. Anyhoo...as you might be able to tell from the date stamp...it's another late one, we better hit the hay!

'What would you do today if you knew you could not fail'...



Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 49

Our sincere apologies for being MIA for a whole 10 days! It was a very, very busy 10 days. We were getting up early as usual, working, meetings, presentations and getting done extremely late...it was all we could do to get everything situated for the next day and get some sleep. This weekend we had fun, got to head down to Bradenton and attend the Bradenton Seafood Festival, hear Rodney Atkins live from the patio, watch the dolphins play in the 'front yard' of the condo, enjoy time with the babies and reset our clocks. We are so excited to have another wonderful week ahead of us with so many incredible 'seasoned' team members and so many motivated new team members! This is such an exciting business and we are so blessed to have discovered it! We only hope that we can bless others with the products and opportunity the way it has blessed our lives.

That's about it from the Pence front...everyone happy and healthy and doing great! Over 30 pounds combined now, we'll be making another trip to the food bank very soon and spending some time with the kiddos volunteering. The Metaboliq System has made such a huge impact on not only us but the kids as well. Goodness knows I didn't know what Lucine was at the age of 10, but they do! :) We also love that they understand the importance of giving back to others. You only get one chance to teach them before they set off in their own journeys, we hope to send them out with the confidence and ability to dream big and believe in themselves...

Well, that's enough for tonight...big day tomorrow. John Terhune will be presenting at the Gainesville Open, sure to be a great evening!



Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 39

Hello all! Once again, it will have to be a short blog this evening. We're working on some huge goals and so we've been working like crazy. Great day, Nathan got to meet with some great team members and future team members. I had some great calls after work and we have both just slowed down enough to call it a night. Had several people notice that we are both losing a significant amount of weight, that's always nice! Well, eyes are starting to close without me....goodnight world! May you enjoy every moment as it is a gift!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 38

What an awesome day! Have to start out with how awesome it was that the WASPs were honored with a congressional medal of honor, go Capt Bob for leading that much deserved crusade...and thank you WASPs for your selfless service (we female pilots gotta stick together). :)

Okay, so...we had an awesome day! I had a staff meeting with my wonderful teachers followed by a great school day. Nathan had several conference calls and made some new contacts. Then we met up this afternoon after school. I had a great run...not as fast or steady as usual, but still good. The cardio/weight training I did yesterday left my legs a little sore so I was a bit slower. It was overcast but the temp was perfect! Then we had steak, brussel sprouts (with pancetta & apple cider vinegar...yum), tomatoes and a whole wheat roll. Yummy! I haven't weighed in a bit, need to do that soon...but my clothes are all very baggy! :) Then this evening we had the privilege of hearing Craig Johanson, Qivana CMO, speak at the UF Hilton. We were surrounded by some of our busiest and most motivated team members and a great guest. It was motivating and very eye-opening....love, love, love, this company!

While there were many more details, it's late and we have a very busy day tomorrow...Nathan has three lunch meetings alone. :) Hope you have a dream-chasing day as well!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 36 & 37

Evening world! This post will be short, we're exhausted! :) Two awesome days. Yesterday we had a presentation at the house with our friend and mentor as well as some awesome members of our team. Lots of exciting things happening in the business right now. It's so exciting to be involved with something so revolutionary so early in the game. Triple digit growth and we're only about 25 weeks old! This is going to be an exciting journey for certain. Tonight we had some great calls with team members and prospective team members, had a great dinner (beef lettuce wraps with salad and beans) and finished the evening off with a great workout. Tomorrow evening we will have the privilege of seeing the CSO, Craig Johanson, at the Gainesville Hilton. Need to get rested up before another exciting day. Hope that everything in your world is wonderful as well!


Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 35

Hello again. Had a really great day today. Got up early this morning, fed the kids breakfast, jumped in the car and drove south. We spent the day with an awesome lady (Kelly's Mom) to kick off her birthday week. (the women in this family seem to go with a birthday week or month instead of just a day...) Even with a hitch in planning we managed to surprise her (security at her place is not easily overcome). We spent the day checking out a few select vehicles (i.e. BMW, Jags, and Mercedes) trying to help her pick out her next set of wheels. May have gotten some ideas for our next set of wheels also. The Metaboliq shakes kept us going all day until it was time for our reservations at the BEST restaurant this side of Sicily. Aunt Kay had the 'family table' decorated with balloons and roses and Uncle Carmen prepared his usual perfection on a plate. Luckily...it keeps right in line with our Metaboliq lifestyle...we substituted veggies for pasta and balanced our starchy carb (warm bread) with the protein (chicken a'la Carmen....soooo good). So we got to enjoy our favorites without the guilt! Dear friends of hers (and ours) joined us for cupcakes (which we happily passed on) and enjoyed her birthday celebration with us until we had to get back on the road for Gainesville before an incredibly busy week. Will keep you posted as the week goes by, goodnight and hope your week is as great as ours!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 34

Hi ya all! Well, we're really new to blogging but many of you have mentioned that you've been leaving comments and they are getting lost in cyberspace. We're working on it and would love to read your comments...so don't give up on leaving them! :) We would loooove to hear from you all and are thrilled to know that you've been trying. Sorry for the technical difficulties.

So, you guessed it...we had an awesome day. (I had one person tell me that they read our blog and how 'lucky' we are to always have great things happening...happiness and gratitude are a choice...everyone can achieve them) This morning we started off with some running around and worked on the house a bit. Then we had the privilege of attending a leadership cook-out at the home of our mentors, Vernon and Debra. It was wonderful to have time to talk with fellow team members and to learn from the masters! We kept with our 'plate look' at dinner by having a hot dog (the bun was my starchy carb), coleslaw and water...there's a slight chance that a dear friend gave me a small bite of her chocolate chip cookie. :) One pant size down and a significant difference in the way my clothes fit...I think it'll be okay.

Tomorrow is another exciting day and this week will be a busy one. Being as we turn the clocks ahead tonight...we better hit the hay! Good night world!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 32 & 33

Hello all. Sorry, late on this post. We have been extremely busy with our business, which is a good thing! Thursday was spent mostly on the phone with out of state team members and potential team members. We have met so many great people through Qivana and we're really just getting started. Every day is truly an adventure and we go to bed better people through the contacts we've made and the friendships we've developed. Yesterday we welcomed several people from Wednesday nights meeting to the team and today we welcomed another. Some wonderful people that we're excited to get to know better. We continue with the Metaboliq System and are still amazed by the fantastic results we're seeing. Kelly was pleased to come home and tell me about several people who commented on her weight loss...it's always nice when people notice. Looking forward to a great weekend with our Qivana family. Tomorrow promises to be a great day with a Leadership Event at our mentors home. We'll be happy to tell you all about it tomorrow after we get some rest. Good night!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 31

Day 31 is coming to a close (and we're blogging it before midnight!). What an awesome day. I had a teacher out so I subbed in a VPK classroom today which was fun. Then after work I got Tyler's haircut, it looks great Julie-thank you! Then Nathan and I had a quick dinner and were off to a great home meeting for some new team members. It was great and they will be welcoming many new team members to their quickly growing teams very soon! Exciting day, lots going on! However, I'm going to attempt to get slightly closer to that 8 hours of sleep tonight...very tired! See you all after another exciting Q Day! :)


Day 30

Hello world! Very tired....you get the abbreviated version this evening. :) Usual for breakfast followed by a very crazy day. My Day School was broken into last night so my morning was a whirlwind. We had several GPD officers, detectives and investigators out taking the complaint and thoroughly investigating the case. They were absolutely a God-sent! One of our parents is also an officer and was kind enough to stick around this morning to help us get everything rolling. My darling husband also came up and stayed by my side and helped to improve our security measures to keep our school safe. Lots of random items were stolen, the most important thing was that no one was hurt and that we have increased security measures. I guarded the building like a hawk today (okay, for those of you who know me....even more so than usual!) and made sure we took measures to prevent another occurrence. I found out later that another local school was broken into only days ago...sad isn't it?! The police officers are going to be patrolling at night and helping us keep everything safe. Lots of little guys in my care...that sort of thing shakes you up!

So...I know it isn't a good thing, but amidst all the events of the day...lunch didn't happen. Before joining me at the school Nathan met with a gentleman who is looking for a plan B...they had a great talk and are going to reconnect tomorrow after he has done some Q Trainer research. Then after work I got to meet with a friend of a friend who I've played phone tag with for quite some time. He is also excited about the opportunity and took lots of literature to look over tonight. Then this evening, we did a presentation for some of our awesome team members and got to meet with a great fellow aviation professional who would benefit greatly from our incredible products. A rough morning, but great evening.

Well....the day has taken it's toll. Need to get some sleep...sorry Debra, my 8 hours of sleep looks sadly unrealistic for this evening...soon, I really am looking forward to it!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 29

Hello world! Today was a great day with lots of positive things going on. I'm really enjoying the freedom to work our business full time. Spoke with a potential new team member today who is suffering from several health problems that I know our product will help. It's very satisfying when you know the health benefits that will affect peoples lives in such a dramatic way. Then I spoke with another potential team member who has been hit hard by the economy. He's excited about the income potential that our family has already seen in action....again, very exciting. Last but not least I got to welcome my brother to the team. I'm very happy to see him ready to be proactive about his health.

Working from home also means that I have more time to focus on my family. It's nice to be able to spend quality time with family and work around them instead of working them in around a 9 to 5 schedule. After working a full day we had a very good dinner ('Poppy's' Sauerkraut Chicken, salad and a whole wheat roll). Spent the remainder of the evening on the phone, with the kids, and then an awesome workout with Kelly. She may disagree tomorrow, her legs are already killing her and she's worried she may not be able to walk in the morning. :)

Very exciting day planned tomorrow, breakfast meeting, lunch meetings and a presentation with the doc tomorrow night. Bed is calling my name, goodnight!


Day 27 & 28

Hello world! Sorry we missed our post last night...sleep trumped blog. :) Both days, breakfast and lunch as usual. Yesterday (Saturday) we got to attend one of Amy and Tyler's friend's birthday parties which was fun. The weather was beautiful, the park was great and the kids had a blast! One of our newer team members was there and we got to chatting about the Metaboliq. She had just gotten started and one of the first things she noticed was that she had a ton of energy. So much so, in fact, that she didn't have any caffeine because she didn't need it to keep her energy level high. So now she's getting the right amount of protein, keeping energy throughout the day, building muscle and burning fat all while being able to kick another bad habit in the process. Doesn't get much better than that. After we left the party we dropped our oldest off for a birthday party at one of her best girlfriends houses and had some much-needed family time. Only in a southern household...Family PBR night. :) The kids, Nathan and I all laid on the floor and watched PBR until the little ones fell asleep and we got everyone tucked in for the night. It was great.

Then today was another awesome day. We got up (wanna guess breakfast and lunch?!), had a great workout and decided to have an 'impromptu' potluck get together with our incredible team. With only a few hours notice we ended up with a houseful of guests, which we loved! Our team really has become like family, we all enjoy each others company so much. Everyone brought their children, the kids all got to play in the yard because it was gorgeous outside. We all got to chat about the great health benefits people are seeing, discuss ideas and motivation books we're reading and made sure everyone had what they needed to do their dream boards. The dinner was great because everyone is on the MetaboliQ and so the food choices fell right in line with the Metaboliq lifestyle meals. Good food like chicken, veggies, tomatoes with cheese, then beans, rice and macaroni salad for our starchy carb choices. Everyone enjoyed a great meal, great friends, and got to start the week off motivated! Tonight we met with a few individual team members who have the vision and dream that are moving them forward creating incredible opportunities for them. Then Nathan and I planned out our week and now it's off to bed for another exciting week. Hope you are enjoying reading about our journey, we are enjoying sharing it with you. Didn't get to our measurements today but will do so soon (can tell you however that we are back into much smaller sizes than we were before!). :) Need to make another trip to the foodbank soon!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 26

Hello all. Hard to believe we're only 26 days into this with such great results. Really starting to see the difference in not only each other, but also ourselves and our friends. I don't think we've ever followed a weight system this faithfully. I think the great taste of the shakes and the fact that the MetaboliQ stick is like sneaking a chocolate bar helps a great deal.

We started our day as usual (from this point forward 'usual' will mean boost, shake, boost, shake, stick). Went our separate ways this morning and had the opportunity to meet a few people and share the fantastic business opportunity. At this point after having experienced so many positive health advancements with the Qore and MetaboliQ Systems, it's no longer a presentation. It's more like sharing a great idea that could potentially save someones life and give them financial freedom. This company rocks!

Busy day scheduled tomorrow. Sleep could possibly come in handy. Hope everyone had a great day and we'll 'talk' tomorrow.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 25

Good evening world! Tonight's blog will have to be short, sweet and to the point...I'm tiiiiired! I know this probably sounds redundant...but another great day! You can probably guess what breakfast and lunch were. Dinner was a yummy roast with veggies and a whole wheat roll. My husband is an amazing cook, I always enjoy his new 'creations'. Tonight was one of them and it was excellent...as usual, no leftovers around here! Then after dinner we decided to let the kids try the resist. It was really funny watching their faces as they tried cookies and a piece of candy. Not nearly as good or tempting! Nathan and I haven't really had to use the resist recently, the cravings aren't even there anymore. Even if I do get a sweet tooth weak moment...the Metaboliq stick is far more tempting to me than cookies or other sweets and isn't cheating at all. I love this system! :)

Today was great, a little colder than I care for, but great none-the-less. Mary (my Assistant Director and dear friend) and I did some school supply shopping and took the coats from our coat drive to the Children's Home Society. It always feels good to give back. Then after work Nathan and I made some calls, enjoyed a family dinner and then had the privilege of listening in on the Qivana Leadership call followed by a great product info call by Dr. Laux. The company has seen a 400% growth in sales and IBO sign-ups since the Metaboliq was released....talk about right place, right time!!! One last 'brag' moment, progress reports came out and once again all the girls proudly displayed their As and Bs! So proud of our dedicated, smart young ladies! The babies are loving school too, sometimes the things they come out with just crack us both up! The evening ended with a meeting with a great IBO and friend. Now....time for bed! See you tomorrow...may you have a blessed and wonderful day tomorrow!!!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 24

Hello world! Another great day on Qivana MetaboliQ. We started the day as always with our boost & shake then a boost, shake and stick. For dinner we enjoyed a roast, cabbage w/garlic and onion, salad and a whole grain roll. Spent the day helping my beautiful wife with a few odd jobs around her school. Also had an opportunity to talk to several potential IBOs (and yes Ms Ellen, you are most definitely in our prayers). Snuggled babies for just a few short minutes (they get so big when you're not looking) and then it was off to a meeting. Had a great time hearing our mentor and dear friend Vernon. He gets better everytime...thank you so much for all that you do! Am very excited about the next two weeks, so much exciting stuff going on! Hope you guys had a great day and a blessed tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 23

Hello all! Another great day under our belt. A boost and a shake then a boost, shake and stick started our day off. Like Nathan, I have to agree that I still enjoy them and love not being hungry mid morning (or mid afternoon...or late at night...lol). We both enjoyed a productive day. Nathan started the day with a workout then on the phone sharing the Qivana products and opportunity. Once again...our awesome team has grown, welcome to all the wonderful new IBOs who have joined us to either improve their health, financial health, or both! You will be pleasantly surprised at how great you feel on these amazing products (and maybe even surprised at how quickly you'll want to tell everyone you love).

I started my day off at the school (thank you Nathan for the brag session...you are a sweetheart). I have to give credit to my amazing team of teachers, they are incredible. My board of directors is so supportive as well, they were all there with coffee and goodies to welcome the long line of parents ready to get signed up for the fall yesterday. Love, love, love having such amazing people in our lives! Then today after many meetings, reports and calls we headed home and followed up with some friends and new acquaintances on the phone. Enjoyed a little snuggle time and got everyone off to bed. I would just love to say I did another 2.5 miles today (which I did sneak in yesterday) but no such luck. The weather was disgusting and I took it as a sign that I should rest for the day. :) Gotta say, love the fact that my pants are all getting too big...almost time to go shopping!

Better get some rest before another exciting day. Hoping that your day was blessed and full of miracles as well!!!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 22

Day 22 and everything is still going great. Normally, on other systems, I would be ready to attack some fried chicken by now or really sick of the 'plan'. Not so on the MetaboliQ. I still enjoy the content feeling during the day of not being hungry and honestly love the shakes and the sticks. So, as you may have guessed...started the day with boost and a shake followed by boost a shake and a stick for lunch. For dinner we enjoyed chili (extra meat, less beans) and steamed broccoli (not the best 'match', but completed our 'plate look' and tasted great).

Had the privilege of helping Kelly get her Monday started. I took the kids to school and she headed to work for Open Enrollment at her Day School. I arrived around 8:15 and was amazed to see the line of parents hoping for a space in one of her classes. I was even more amazed when I discovered that the first ones in line had arrived at 4:30 am...that's right...am! It was an amazing testament to the great job Kelly does as the director. I was very proud of how eager and determined the parents were to have their children in Kelly's care. As a parent, I know that this is not a decision reached without serious thought. Okay...sorry, had to have a quick 'brag session'.

The rest of the day consisted of meeting with contacts, a great workout and enjoying a Qivana presentation done by a Master IBO and a family physician. We had a huge turn-out from our team, it was great to see everyone there building their businesses. Another busy day tomorrow so sleep is a must. Hope all your dreams are coming true as fast as ours.
