Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 30

Hello world! Very get the abbreviated version this evening. :) Usual for breakfast followed by a very crazy day. My Day School was broken into last night so my morning was a whirlwind. We had several GPD officers, detectives and investigators out taking the complaint and thoroughly investigating the case. They were absolutely a God-sent! One of our parents is also an officer and was kind enough to stick around this morning to help us get everything rolling. My darling husband also came up and stayed by my side and helped to improve our security measures to keep our school safe. Lots of random items were stolen, the most important thing was that no one was hurt and that we have increased security measures. I guarded the building like a hawk today (okay, for those of you who know me....even more so than usual!) and made sure we took measures to prevent another occurrence. I found out later that another local school was broken into only days ago...sad isn't it?! The police officers are going to be patrolling at night and helping us keep everything safe. Lots of little guys in my care...that sort of thing shakes you up!

So...I know it isn't a good thing, but amidst all the events of the day...lunch didn't happen. Before joining me at the school Nathan met with a gentleman who is looking for a plan B...they had a great talk and are going to reconnect tomorrow after he has done some Q Trainer research. Then after work I got to meet with a friend of a friend who I've played phone tag with for quite some time. He is also excited about the opportunity and took lots of literature to look over tonight. Then this evening, we did a presentation for some of our awesome team members and got to meet with a great fellow aviation professional who would benefit greatly from our incredible products. A rough morning, but great evening.

Well....the day has taken it's toll. Need to get some sleep...sorry Debra, my 8 hours of sleep looks sadly unrealistic for this evening...soon, I really am looking forward to it!


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