Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 34

Hi ya all! Well, we're really new to blogging but many of you have mentioned that you've been leaving comments and they are getting lost in cyberspace. We're working on it and would love to read your don't give up on leaving them! :) We would loooove to hear from you all and are thrilled to know that you've been trying. Sorry for the technical difficulties.

So, you guessed it...we had an awesome day. (I had one person tell me that they read our blog and how 'lucky' we are to always have great things happening...happiness and gratitude are a choice...everyone can achieve them) This morning we started off with some running around and worked on the house a bit. Then we had the privilege of attending a leadership cook-out at the home of our mentors, Vernon and Debra. It was wonderful to have time to talk with fellow team members and to learn from the masters! We kept with our 'plate look' at dinner by having a hot dog (the bun was my starchy carb), coleslaw and water...there's a slight chance that a dear friend gave me a small bite of her chocolate chip cookie. :) One pant size down and a significant difference in the way my clothes fit...I think it'll be okay.

Tomorrow is another exciting day and this week will be a busy one. Being as we turn the clocks ahead tonight...we better hit the hay! Good night world!


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