Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 38

What an awesome day! Have to start out with how awesome it was that the WASPs were honored with a congressional medal of honor, go Capt Bob for leading that much deserved crusade...and thank you WASPs for your selfless service (we female pilots gotta stick together). :)

Okay, so...we had an awesome day! I had a staff meeting with my wonderful teachers followed by a great school day. Nathan had several conference calls and made some new contacts. Then we met up this afternoon after school. I had a great run...not as fast or steady as usual, but still good. The cardio/weight training I did yesterday left my legs a little sore so I was a bit slower. It was overcast but the temp was perfect! Then we had steak, brussel sprouts (with pancetta & apple cider vinegar...yum), tomatoes and a whole wheat roll. Yummy! I haven't weighed in a bit, need to do that soon...but my clothes are all very baggy! :) Then this evening we had the privilege of hearing Craig Johanson, Qivana CMO, speak at the UF Hilton. We were surrounded by some of our busiest and most motivated team members and a great guest. It was motivating and very, love, love, this company!

While there were many more details, it's late and we have a very busy day tomorrow...Nathan has three lunch meetings alone. :) Hope you have a dream-chasing day as well!


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