Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 35

Hello again. Had a really great day today. Got up early this morning, fed the kids breakfast, jumped in the car and drove south. We spent the day with an awesome lady (Kelly's Mom) to kick off her birthday week. (the women in this family seem to go with a birthday week or month instead of just a day...) Even with a hitch in planning we managed to surprise her (security at her place is not easily overcome). We spent the day checking out a few select vehicles (i.e. BMW, Jags, and Mercedes) trying to help her pick out her next set of wheels. May have gotten some ideas for our next set of wheels also. The Metaboliq shakes kept us going all day until it was time for our reservations at the BEST restaurant this side of Sicily. Aunt Kay had the 'family table' decorated with balloons and roses and Uncle Carmen prepared his usual perfection on a plate. keeps right in line with our Metaboliq lifestyle...we substituted veggies for pasta and balanced our starchy carb (warm bread) with the protein (chicken a'la Carmen....soooo good). So we got to enjoy our favorites without the guilt! Dear friends of hers (and ours) joined us for cupcakes (which we happily passed on) and enjoyed her birthday celebration with us until we had to get back on the road for Gainesville before an incredibly busy week. Will keep you posted as the week goes by, goodnight and hope your week is as great as ours!


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