Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 27 & 28

Hello world! Sorry we missed our post last night...sleep trumped blog. :) Both days, breakfast and lunch as usual. Yesterday (Saturday) we got to attend one of Amy and Tyler's friend's birthday parties which was fun. The weather was beautiful, the park was great and the kids had a blast! One of our newer team members was there and we got to chatting about the Metaboliq. She had just gotten started and one of the first things she noticed was that she had a ton of energy. So much so, in fact, that she didn't have any caffeine because she didn't need it to keep her energy level high. So now she's getting the right amount of protein, keeping energy throughout the day, building muscle and burning fat all while being able to kick another bad habit in the process. Doesn't get much better than that. After we left the party we dropped our oldest off for a birthday party at one of her best girlfriends houses and had some much-needed family time. Only in a southern household...Family PBR night. :) The kids, Nathan and I all laid on the floor and watched PBR until the little ones fell asleep and we got everyone tucked in for the night. It was great.

Then today was another awesome day. We got up (wanna guess breakfast and lunch?!), had a great workout and decided to have an 'impromptu' potluck get together with our incredible team. With only a few hours notice we ended up with a houseful of guests, which we loved! Our team really has become like family, we all enjoy each others company so much. Everyone brought their children, the kids all got to play in the yard because it was gorgeous outside. We all got to chat about the great health benefits people are seeing, discuss ideas and motivation books we're reading and made sure everyone had what they needed to do their dream boards. The dinner was great because everyone is on the MetaboliQ and so the food choices fell right in line with the Metaboliq lifestyle meals. Good food like chicken, veggies, tomatoes with cheese, then beans, rice and macaroni salad for our starchy carb choices. Everyone enjoyed a great meal, great friends, and got to start the week off motivated! Tonight we met with a few individual team members who have the vision and dream that are moving them forward creating incredible opportunities for them. Then Nathan and I planned out our week and now it's off to bed for another exciting week. Hope you are enjoying reading about our journey, we are enjoying sharing it with you. Didn't get to our measurements today but will do so soon (can tell you however that we are back into much smaller sizes than we were before!). :) Need to make another trip to the foodbank soon!


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