Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 11

You guessed it...another great day! Started the day as usual, still can't believe that I can drink my breakfast and not be hungry all morning. This system is such a time-saver. No more wondering what to have for breakfast, no more stopping for soft drinks, no more twenty-minute waits for a lunch that doesn't taste good and is way too expensive (not to mention will add the pounds and inches instead of taking them off). Dinner was baked chicken, a whole-wheat roll, asparagus and some cabbage.

Spent our evening with a few of our fantastic team members, a great medical doctor, our mentor & friend Vernon, and friends new to Qivana (Welcome new team members!). A confession; when my wife first told me about the products they sounded good. When she mentioned there was a business opportunity I probably rolled my eyes as I reluctantly agreed to hold a presentation at our home with our friends. Almost a year later, I enjoy seeing guests come to presentations also waiting to confirm their feelings that the business is one that they would never be interested in...then transforming to a realization that this is a solid company, cutting edge products and a compensation plan that is hard to hear about and not get excited.

Something else I've enjoyed in the last few days...seeing all of our friends' excitement in the pounds they're losing on the new MetaboliQ System. I know from my standpoint, I already feel so much better. It's amazing how you carry the extra weight and not realize how limiting it becomes. Just something as simple as tying your shoes in the morning and realizing that you're not uncomfortable or putting on a pair of pants that you couldn't button just weeks ago is a truly amazing feeling. Something about losing weight seems to boost confidence and you can even see the years almost turning back as people feel better physically and mentally...very exciting when they are people you care about!

Well guys, can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store, but I'm sure it will require some amount of sleep. Hope you had a great day and an even better tomorrow! Good night...


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