Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 6...going strong!

Hello world! What a great day Day 6 has been! We started the guessed it, with a boost and a shake, yum! Nathan must have had that same 'accident' with the scale, either that or he just feels a total of 12 lbs lighter now. Wow, we are so excited about our results so far. A total of 15 lbs combined, and counting!

I was off with my mom to a Speaking of Women's Health conference put on by Manatee Memorial Hospital. It was great and really reinforced how great our Qivana products are. The doctors all spoke about moving from synthetic drugs to neutraceudicals, the importance of focusing on wellness rather than responding to illness and about inflammation being the root of all evil in essence. Being that Qivana is all natural, the most advanced and scientifically validated products, and known for its anti-inflammatory properties...well, lets just say I was happy to be one of the few women in the room who could be confident that they are on the right track to true wellness and anti-aging (can't say the only, Mom takes her Qivana too!). The sessions were great and the key-note speaker was so motivating and uplifting. After learning of Nathan's lay-off this week, it was just what the doctor ordered to renew my spirit of positivity and hope! At lunch I used my 'plate look' (and my boost) to be sure I was eating a properly balanced meal. Chicken breast, brown rice, green beans and a red pepper from Michael's On East (passed the rolls right by) was a treat and kept me right on track! The cake didn't even look tempting, wishing I had brought resist for all the ladies at the table talking about not needing dessert, but eating it because it was 'right there'. If only everyone knew what we know!

After we got back we spent time with the kids and then were off to dinner with Uncle Carmen and Aunt Kay. Uncle Carmen is from Sicily and can imagine what his food is like! Yummmmmm... We've worked too hard to turn back now though! So we both had one roll and opted out of the pasta, Chicken a la Carmen was tasty as ever and we had veggies instead of the pasta! It was delicious and guilt-free! Then we did some shopping, some presentations and topped off the day snuggling on the couch watching movies with the babies. What a life this is!!!

Nathan and I have a busy week ahead. We plan to stop out at the food bank tomorrow to drop off our first delivery of our pound for pound challenge. We are so excited about it!!! We'll do one more 'weigh in ' in the morning (an official one!) to determine the weight we'll be donating on our first visit. We are so excited about the things happening with our health, the things happening with our family and the things happening in our is such a blessing!

Hoping you had an incredible day as well, see you on Day 7!


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