Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 4...the challenge continues

We are amazed how easy it is to follow this system. Started the day around 6 this morning. Had a breakfast shake around 7, brought Kelly 'breakfast in bed'...and set out to face the day. The adversities continued...but we had a refreshed outlook on the day and life in general and continue to see each challenge as a path to something better. After a busy morning working in the cold (okay, I've climated to Florida weather...there was no snow or anything), I enjoyed my MetaboliQ stick and a tasty shake. I am still pretty shocked that I'm not hungry between meals as physical as I am throughout the day. My biggest problem I've had is resisting the urge to get on the scale before our week is up. I'm feeling better and my pants are looser, so naturally I'm curious...but waiting not-so patiently (although I'm thinking my partner may have cheated on this one already). I started at 256lbs, confident I'll see a difference this weekend when I weigh in. On an even more positive note, the weight training and basketball are getting a little easier each day. Today we also had the privilege of welcoming some new IBOs (Independent Business Owners) onto our Qivana is good. Now off to work out and get ready for tonight's fantastic opportunity meeting and MetaboliQ Presentation!


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