Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Morning Day 5!

Good morning all! Sorry I didn't get online to post last night. We got in, ate a quick dinner (steak, 1/2 potato & broccoli), smootched babies, ran my 2.5 miles (it was very cold), then were off to a presentation on the MetaboliQ system at North Florida Medical Supply (thank you Sid!) with our awesome team and a very engaging doctor presenting the products. We got home, talked to some of our Texas team members who are building like crazy, texted with some incredible new 'silvers' and quite honestly, fell asleep in the recliners. What a week! Okay, so ... this morning the scale may have jumped out in front of me and I accidently stepped on it (shhhhh). :) I had lost 2.5 pounds in 4 days! WOW! Yet I'm not hungry, don't feel I am depriving myself and have more energy...I can do this! So, I've gathered up some good healthy food to bring to the food bank this weekend, ready to make our first visit and get a better visual of the good that we can do through our challenge. Now I tell you that because I know you wouldn't tell... :) This is so much fun already, enjoying every minute!

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