Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 12...almost over

Hola! (Qivana is opening in Mexico later this year, need to brush up on my very limited Spanish!) What a wonderful day it was today! Started the day, you guessed it...a boost and a shake (breakfast in bed again...I am soooo spoiled!). Then, yep...boost and a shake for lunch and a mid-afternoon MetaboliQ Stick...yummmm! Dinner...filling but not my favorite. I had some roast beef , some cheese and completely forgot about the broccoli I had cooked (see what happens when he lets me take care of dinner!). :) Nathan lifted and played basketball and I had a quick 2.5 mile run before we headed out this evening.

Started the day by having the privilege of welcoming a good friend into the business. Then worked and got to chat with excited new IBOs (Independent Business Owners) as they get their businesses up and running this evening. Have I mentioned that I LOVE this business?! It is so much fun and so motivating. Then went out this evening and sooo enjoyed everyone asking how we had lost so much weight! A question we just loooove to answer! These products are just too great not to share with everyone!

Well, It's know what I mean! :) And we have another great day ahead (and my wonderful Nathan is snoring in my ear...) So goodnight for now, may your day tomorrow be blessed and filled with joy!!!


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