Friday, February 12, 2010

Farewell Day 5

First things first...I'm so on to Kelly. Something about all the texts she got with her friends congratulating her on the 2.5 lb loss made me suspicious...that and I'm an avid reader of her blog! KELLY...STOP CHEATING. :)

Had a great day today. Breakfast and lunch with my boost and shake (plus Metaboliq stick) kept me satisfied all day. Enjoyed a dinner of scrambled eggs, ham and veggies, again, no hunger pains here! Spent some time enjoying a beautiful downpour on the road, always a good time. 37 and rainy may not be cold where you're from...but I moved to Florida for a reason and I think there was some serious false advertising going on! I hear-tell even Mickey is considering relocating further south.

Kelly and I spent some time enjoying Jack Canfield's 'The Success Principles' audio which just reinforced all the great info we've been reading in the book. We also got to enjoy some time with our beautiful daughters and our little man this afternoon which is always a blessing.

I sincerely hope your day was as great as ours and your tomorrow even better. To quote an incredible and inspiring team member of ours 'Today is the Day'...the phrase we repeat to one another every morning, first thing. Speaking of team members, congrats to our team for the incredible work they've done this week and a high five goes out to everyone who advanced one or more ranks this all never cease to amaze us, we are blessed to work with each of you and call you our friend!

Time for some sleep before another busy day tomorrow. Goodnight and God Bless!


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