Monday, February 8, 2010

Pound For Pound Challenge Day 1

Today is day one of our Pound for Pound Challenge. Our goal is to lose a total of 86.5lbs (Nathan-56, Kelly-30.5) while on the Qivana Metaboliq System. In an effort to 'give back while we lose' we've pledged to give a pound of food to the Food Bank of Manatee for each pound that we lose. We are encouraging others to join forces with us in our effort to make a difference in the lives of those who are hungry. We are so excited about the journey ahead and look forward to sharing it with you. There will soon be links to the food bank, photos and a way to pledge a donation for the amount of weight we are losing (a little friendly competition never hurt anyone).

Today was day one. We started the day with a Boost and a Metaboliq chocolate shake..surprisingly tasty. Neither of us fought hunger through the morning and enjoyed a Boost, a Metaboliq Shake and a Metaboliq chocolate stick (oooh so good!) for lunch. Again...we both stayed content through the afternoon with plenty of energy. Soon Nathan will return from a presentation and we'll enjoy a dinner of baked chicken breast, steamed broccoli and a roll...yup....a roll! Hurray for a meal plan that allows carbs! Then we'll work out and end the day with another quick post to finalize day one. We hope that many of you will follow our journey as we offer our pounds to a worthy cause!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you're documenting this for us all to watch. Thanks for sharing the true spirit of Qivana!!! Best wishes, Justin Banner
