Monday, February 15, 2010

Just past Day 7...

Hello about blue today (in honor of the 'blue Q'- MetaboliQ). Well, it's just past day 7, but couldn't go to sleep without a quick post to fill you in (is there anybody out there?) on our day...

I hope all of you woke up next to your sweetheart on Valentine's Day, because I did. We shared a quick breakfast (guesses? Yep, a shake and boost), then started out on our busy day. First order of business...the 'official' weigh-in, 12 pounds Nathan...4 pounds Kelly. We were both thrilled with our results. So, this afternoon we made our first trip to the food bank. It definitely hit home and confirmed that what we're doing will go to benefit others, just as we had hoped when we developed our challenge. It also really helped us to appreciate the people who work in the food bank (and food banks across the country), who run these great organizations and who selflessly volunteer their time on a daily basis to make these programs successful in their fight to end hunger. Pretty powerful. I have to say, one of my 'proud papa moments' was when my wife asked our 5 year old son if he knew what the food bank was for...his answer blew me away. He knew that they collected food for people who were 'running out of food and needed help to get more'. He totally understood the concept, prayerful that we can continue to teach them to be thankful for what we have and the importance of giving back.

So, we had a blast weighing the food, sorting and showing the kids around the food bank. They all got to pitch in, hopeful that we'll lose a significant amount more or be able to include other participants in the challenge by our next visit...sixteen pounds leaves little for each one to do and they were all anxious to help! Next visit, at least 2 hours of volunteer time! :)

Lunch of course, you guessed it...a boost, shake and a Metaboliq stick. The foods we used to crave don't even tempt us now, the progress and lack of hunger pains are keeping us on track. Didn't get to work out, will have to make up for lost time this week. We enjoyed dinner with Kelly's mom, bunless burgers, sweet potatoes and baked beans followed by a nice long drive discussing our goals and future. Wished Kelly's brother a happy birthday across the miles (Happy Birthday Brian) and that's about it for today (technically yesterday, but you get my drift).

Better get some sleep before another busy day...goodnight all!


1 comment:

  1. Way to go Kelly and Nathan! Im so proud of you both and determination you have to reach your goals. Its great that you've found a way to help kee pyou on track and give back to the community... a real win win for everyone!
