Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 14...Two week mark!

Hello all! Sorry we never got back on yesterday to blog...the day ended at about 2:30/3am and quite frankly...we were whooped! We had the privilege yesterday of seeing many of our team members achieve goals that they had worked hard exciting!!! I was also able to go and celebrate a friend's birthday with she and her family and friends which was wonderful!

Today was another fantastic day. We didn't weigh in and decided to keep yesterdays measurements and weigh-ins as our week 2 totals. Can you believe, Nathan lost 5 inches around his waist and I've lost 3!!! Wow! As usual, we had our boost first thing, but had a breakfast of eggs, veggies, cheese and a slice of toast this morning. A boost and shake for lunch with a Metaboliq stick for a snack and then steaks, veggies and sweet potato for dinner with some great friends and team members to celebrate recent accomplishments followed by some strategizing for the week ahead. Nathan and I both made a few calls today and set up some appointments, but other than that it was much needed family time! We took the kids out to the Keystone Airport and enjoyed the Airshow for the afternoon. Showed my little guys the planes I've flown, got to let them check out some cool airplanes and meet some incredible people. A much needed opportunity to smell that sweet smell of jet favorite! (followed by doubling up on my detox of course...) :) Then we had dinner, made 'dirt cups' for the kids for dessert (pudding, oreos, gummy sour worms...ick! No temptation there!). Great day, great night!!! Looking forward to another great week ahead as the pounds are coming off!!!

Wishing you a wonderful kick-start to your week as well!!!


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