Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 16...going strong

Hello, hello! What a great day, and of we are in the wee hours again to catch you up. Another great day...started off with our boost and shake followed by boost, shake and stick for lunch. It is so nice not getting hungry mid-morning or mid-afternoon...we're both feeling great and needing new belts! :) For dinner tonight we enjoyed chicken and artichokes and a small side of pasta... yum.

I haven't stepped back on the scale (contrary to popular belief I'm sure...), but I actually passed a mirrored window today, looked over and was happy with what I saw!!! What a great feeling.

As for the day, it was wonderful. We both headed off to work first thing and enjoyed a productive day. Then I had a doctors visit (wellness check-ups) with our oldest daughters. The doctor was thrilled that they are doing so well on Qivana and haven't been sick in such a long time! She reinforced that it was a great product to have them on which is always great to hear. Then we met with a friend who also decided to jump on board, ate a quick bite, got some great snuggles & hugs and headed on the road to the Lake City meeting where we met up with some fabulous new IBOs and also some of our amazing high ranking team members. As one of our favorite sayings goes...'wet wood won't burn, get close to the fire'. We love to hear our mentor and friend Vernon give presentations, they are always so inspiring. We also had the priviledge of hearing Dr. Wright present on the products, his expertise in the medical field and with our products is incredible. Then we headed back to little ole' Gainesville (a suburb of Lake City as it has recently been named) and finished up with some calls. Now it's time to turn in and get some rest before another exciting day tomorrow. Hope all of you are enjoying success on your journeys and are finding life exciting and full of new adventures!


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