Friday, December 10, 2010

What a life...

My apologies for not being on here in so long. We finished the challenge and have been hard at work building an amazing team and sharing these wonderful products with many new friends. The convention was amazing! We ended up not only being one of the finalists, but actually won one of the three $2500 cash prizes along with several other friends with inspiring stories. We were honored. We did go out and get some new 'diamond duds', some suits and outfits for presenting that fit much better than the bigger clothes in our closet. We also gave some of the money back to the food bank, which was our true focus all along. We are so blessed and so grateful to be able to give back.

At convention we enjoyed time with our team and hearing inspiring stories. Hearing from Derek Hall, our CEO, is always so inspiring. The 'four lads' as they've been affectionately nicknamed were all first class as always as well. Even the support staff with Qivana is nothing short of spectacular. We were able to catch up with some amazing people who we normally only get to talk with on email or over the phone. It was an amazing weekend. One story that I think really hit me the hardest was one of the Master IBOs, Angel Lee. He shared his 'rags to riches' story about going from living on the streets, to building a million dollar life for himself...'just do it' as he said. Really does take away all the silly excuses we use sometimes.

Since then, we have been on a mission to share the opportunity with more friends, and to help our team build to their goals. It has been so much fun. Nathan and I have been in different living rooms almost every evening sharing our story and the information about these life-altering products and path to financial freedom. We have met people that we may have otherwise never met who will now be life-long friends and business partners. We are so thankful that Qivana was shared with changed our lives forever.

One of our exciting excursions recently was a trip to Puerto Rico. I didn't go on this one (lots of fun events happening at the same time at my day school), but Nathan brought back lots of excitement and stories which I'm sure he'll share on here soon. We've been all over Florida and are planning a trip to Texas in the near future to work with our group out west.

There may not be anyone following this blog, and that's okay. But it is a fun way for us to document this amazing journey. I am so grateful for all that God has given us...we're happy to share with you.

Think big and make it happen,


Sunday, August 15, 2010

After Picture...59 Pounds Lighter!

Nathan & Kelly...After losing a combined 59 pounds!!! Thank you Qivana for the Metaboliq System & Metaboliq Lifestyle!!!

Day 183 Final Official Entry

Wow...this is it...the last official posting of the 'Metaboliq Lifestyle Transformation Project'. Hard to seems like yesterday we were celebrating the launch of this incredible product in Jacksonville!

Since our last posting, we've done some traveling in South Florida, welcomed some wonderful new team members to our group, and continued on our journey. The house continues to transform, the kids rooms are now underway. The whole house has really had a face lift this summer, one that we've wanted to do for several years now. With the financial freedom of our growing Qivana business and the time freedom it has allowed us this summer, we've been able to see all those projects through!

Our travels have led us to so many amazing new friends and business partners. Our team is scattered about the country and is soon to expand into Mexico! We're brushing up on our spanish with the help of some new friends. What an exciting time to be in business with such a record breaking company...expanding into new markets and releasing new products...we are looking forward to so many adventures.

Our official 'Pound for Pound Challenge' is coming to an end. However, we will continue to donate both food and our time. This has been such an exciting journey with our team and our family. Many of our team members have also enjoyed healthy weight loss thanks to Dr. Layman and the Metaboliq System. The two of us are down a total of 59 pounds...and we're not done yet! We plan to continue with our boost & our shakes until we reach our final goal. The system & lifestyle make it so easy to lose weight in a healthy way while building's been wonderful! Our kids are excited about starting their day with a shake before school this year, the healthiest breakfast on earth!

So...the final tally of our challenge....

Nathan & Kelly Pence: 59 pounds lost
Food Bank of Manatee: 200 pounds gained (in food donations)
Food Bank of Manatee: $450+ in monetary donations

We are so excited to have been instrumental in adding 200 pounds of food to the Food Bank of Manatee during our challenge. Thank you to all of our team who joined us in this effort to feed the hungry! The monetary donations that we, friends, our Field Leadership and team members made on behalf of the 'Pound for Pound Challenge' exceeded $450 and we are still getting pledges! The Food Bank is able to purchase $10 worth of food for each $1 that's over $4500 worth of food!!! We are so thrilled to be giving back..."Qivana Cares" is certainly a mission we believe in!

In the course of giving our time and donations, we were reminded that you can't give without receiving. We were blessed to have our children with us each time we worked at the Food Bank, we were blessed to see them feel the reward of helping others, we were blessed to see our children give their all for the benefit of others, we were blessed to continue to surround ourselves with a caring and selfless team, we were blessed to be reminded that everything in life begins with helping someone else...

Thank you to our Qivana Founders for putting this challenge out there. We are so blessed and grateful to be part of such an amazing company. We are looking forward to so many more exciting journeys...

For those of you 'hooked' on hearing about our journey, we will be continuing the blog as well as our mission to reach out to help others...Until next time!

Blessings, Health & Love,

Nathan & Kelly

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 165

Another exciting week ahead. We are only now realizing how soon the Metaboliq Transformation Project will be ending. It's kind of sad to think about, we've so enjoyed this journey. The journey won't end of course...the blog may not either...we may just continue to diary this journey here for those of you who are following us. We thought for a bit that with only ten registered followers that not many were following the project, but found out quickly through emails and calls that there are many more of you out there.'s the latest and greatest from 'Pence Manor'.

This journey has truly been a lifestyle transformation and not just a weightloss journey. The project has spurred us into more and more volunteering and becoming involved as a family with helping those around us. Our entire lifestyle has truly changed. We make it a point to work out on a daily basis and to really involve the entire family in it. The way we shop, cook and put together meals has changed completely and permanently (Thank you Dr. Layman). Our health has continued to improve on the Qore (Thank you Dr. Laux) and we continue to have an 'illness free' home! Not one sick visit in well over a year for any of the seven of Our environment has evolved. Thanks to Qivana, this has been our first ever summer together. Both of us have been free to enjoy our family, travel and our business together. We've traveled more than ever and had so much fun! Our house is even evolving. Being that we've had the time freedom...and finally the financial freedom....and actually had the health & energy...we've started (and completed) the 'remodel' we've wanted to do for over five years! The house is just as we've wanted it and is ready for lots of family gatherings and team events!

The project has also helped us to realize the importance of counting our blessings and giving back to others. The 'pound for pound' challenge has really been inspiring for our entire family. After the article in the Qivana Success Email we've been contacted by IBOs we've never even met who wanted to be a part of this initiative. What an honor to be instrumental in encouraging others to reach out. Seeing our children engage so passionately in the project has also been so rewarding.

This project has also helped us to solidify our goals. To help others return to God's pharmacy, to reach a healthy weight, feel better, look great, and to 'ride elephants and pet monkey's' (financial freedom and living the dream from the eyes of our five year old!). Working with our friends and Qivana family to help them reach financial freedom and live the lives they've only dreamed there any better career path than that?! We don't think so. One of our favorite quotes (we think from the Qivana Launch, but can't remember who said it)...'There's a recession...we choose not to participate'. We sat last night during our 'Family Fun Night' and updated Dream Boards with our was so inspiring to see how big they dream and how positive their outlook on life is!!!

And of course our health transformation. We're down another collective 13 pounds... That's a total weight so far of 45 pounds. What a difference that makes on your confidence, your energy, your outlook and your comfort!

Well, the meals continue much like you've seen. This morning we enjoyed a delicious chocolate shake...for lunch- you guessed it, another shake (so easy when you're busy!) and for dinner we enjoyed Taco Salad. No suffering or starving going on here! Kelly enjoyed a nice long jog and Nathan got his work-out carpenter style! This week is a busy one with meetings and events followed by more volunteering at the foodbank! :) We have a team get-together coming up and can't wait to start tallying the total team combined weightloss and share it with you! On another happy note, we spoke to Nathan's mother who received the best doctors report she'd heard in a long time thanks to her Qivana journey! Sugars-down, blood-pressure-perfect, cholesterol- spot on, weight- down another 9 out world...Alma's getting younger!

Well...we'd love to hear from you...leave us a comment or send a message about your personal transformation! Time to get a few winks before another transforming day...make it a great one!

Belief & Blessings,

Nathan & Kelly

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 160

Hello all! It has been such a fun summer. We've been enjoying traveling with the kids and visiting friends, family and business partners. We are so blessed to have this opportunity, we've met so many new friends and it has truly changed our perspective on life.

The days have been filled with either traveling or remodeling (new drywall & floors) which has been great. This is the first summer that our entire family has been able to be home together (thank you Qivana!). The evenings have been filled with awesome presentations by doctors and diamonds and friends. We've welcomed more friends to the team and are so excited to watch them meet their goals and reach their dreams.

As for the weight continues. We've lost another combined 6 pounds...time to get some canned food together! :) We're excited about making another trip to the food bank before the summer is over. There was a great article talking about the importance of giving back that we were so honored to be part of. If you'd like to read it click here; We all really enjoyed volunteering last time we were there, the kids got so much out of it.

The menu has remained much the same, shakes and boost at breakfast, plate-look for lunch and dinner. Today was shake for breakfast, eggs & veggies for lunch and then rotisserie chicken and veggies for dinner...yummmm. Our exercise changes up from weights to runs to long walks with all the kids...we love that we can make it a family transformation as journey through this Metaboliq Challenge! The kids enjoy the sticks for snacks and love working out together either walking or playing in the yard.

Well, it is late and I better rest...I'm not much of a carpenter even when I'm rested!

Sleep well & dream big,


Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 143

Hello All...

It's been a whirlwind lately with our travels to St. Thomas & South Florida, Team events, and the Fourth of July. I know Kelly updated you on the overview of our St. Thomas trip, but I would like to add my thank you to all of the unseen contributors who made the trip the memorable experience that it was. To all the founding IBOs who were there, it was great making connections and new friendships with you.

Once we got home, it took a day or two to get back in the swing of things (''Island time'' moves at a much slower pace). After a short adjustment, we hit the ground running. We had an awesome week of presentations leading up to a motivating Luau with our team. Next year's reward trip for Qivana leaders will be held on the beautiful island of Kauai, what better way to gear up for it than a Luau?! I personally can't think of a better way to earn travel, than by helping others not only with their financial freedom, but also with their health. Everyday I become more excited just knowing that I've touched others lives.

The week following the Team Luau we traveled to South Florida to work with our team members there. Then the Fourth of July weekend we were blessed to be able to work along side our children at the Food Bank of Manatee for half a day. I can't express in words the pride Kelly and I felt watching our children not only contribute to the community but learn a life lesson. Not only did they learn from the experience, but they also enjoyed themselves tremendously. I couldn't help but smile to see them throw themselves so whole-heartedly into the effort. Volunteering as a family for community services like the food bank is definitely something I would urge others to participate is a priceless experience.

Once again, I am posting in the wee hours of the morning with a full day ahead. We have an exciting presentation with our mentor and friend Vernon at our home and as I write this we are still in South Florida. I hope you and your family enjoyed the Fourth as much as we did. Thank you to all the veterans who have contributed so much for our freedom.

Goodnight & God Bless,


Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 136

Good Evening (or morning technically!). What an exciting couple of weeks we have had. Our travels have left us without much access to the blog, but I'll be sure to catch you up! You may want to get a good cup of coffee and get comfy, this one may be long!

The kids and I finished up school on June 11th for the summer. Our middle daughter graduated fifth grade and our son graduated VPK. It was an emotional day! We now have one preschooler, one Kindergartner, and three middle schoolers. Wow...time flies!

Just after school let out Nathan and I boarded a plane that should have been painted green (Qivana green of course) for St. Thomas. It was exciting to see all the familiar faces boarding for the reward trip! This was our first ever 'all expense paid trip' and it was first class all the way! We arrived that Tuesday afternoon to a view that looked like a postcard. A short bus ride brought us to the stunning Frenchman's Reef resort where we settled into our room on the third floor overlooking the beautiful water! We stood on our balcony in awe for the first 15 minutes. Partially because of the incredible beauty, partially because we were both so excited that we achieved such an important goal and partially because we fully expected to 'wake up' at any moment and realize it was all an amazing dream. It was an amazing dream, it just happened to be one in real life. That evening we enjoyed a welcome reception where we had a chance to socialize with other Founding IBOs and the Founders of this amazing company. Wednesday we awoke to the most beautiful sunrise and enjoyed a motivating breakfast meeting followed by a tour of St. John. The islands were so beautiful. That morning we also went snorkeling in Trunk Bay (details and an interesting story to follow on that, this blog is sure to be long enough so we'll save that one for later this week). Then after returning to the resort in St. Thomas we got changed and enjoyed dinner at 'The Fat Turtle' with the Douglas's. It's amazing what you can learn when you're in the presence of true leaders. Thursday we again woke to an unbelievable sunrise followed by fellowship and motivation at breakfast. The Founding IBOs all brought school supplies and goodies for the local boys and girls club, it was so uplifting to see all the donations that morning for our 'Qivana Cares' initiative. The company is comprised of such compassionate and good hearted people! After breakfast we headed out to town for some shopping. We enjoyed finding little treasures to bring home to the kids! That evening we were treated to a sunset sail. I can't even find words that can begin to express how beautiful it was. It was so much fun to be surrounded by like-minded, positive and dedicated leaders. Friday after breakfast we headed to the beach for the Yacht Regatta races. Our team consisted of the two of us, Vernon and Debra Douglas, Steve and Brynn Perkins and our fearless captain; Captain Mark. It was one of the most exciting experiences I believe I've ever had. Our team was so much fun, we all learned the basics and off we went. The first two races we came in a close second and the third we came in first. We enjoyed quite a shower in between races and learned the true meaning of team work! =) It was an experience I won't soon forget! That evening we attended the Gala Dinner at St Peters Greathouse. The view was like non-other! It was such a first class event. The food was wonderful, the company was exceptional and the memories will be cherished forever. The next day we had breakfast and checked out to head back home. Mind you, this is a brief overview of the was amazing!!! We were asked to be one of about six IBOs to speak at one of the breakfast gatherings which was such an honor. To be asked to speak in front of a room filled with leaders...we never would have imagined that happening 14 months ago! Nathan gave the talk and it was from the heart and really inspiring.

Well, that was an overview of the first of many rewards trips, when we returned we enjoyed some time with the kids, visited family in south Florida and put our middle daughter on a plane for her trip to Denver (all while enjoying some great presentations with our awesome team!). I tell you, the Pence's are becoming quite the travelers! On the agenda for this summer....presentations in Miami, Sarasota/Bradenton, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas! We are so looking forward to seeing our team across the country and helping them grow their businesses!

As for our Metaboliq that we are back we're getting back into our workout routines. Nathan has been rotating between weightlifting, running and P90X. I have been working on 'The Firm', running and doing light weight lifting. We continue to take our boost before breakfast and lunch, enjoy a shake for breakfast each morning (and many lunches) and enjoy a 'plate-look' dinner. Tonight was bunless burgers, veggies and a Caribbean side dish we got the recipe for in St Thomas! :)

That's it for now, better get a few hours of sleep before another exciting day! Goodnight and remember to dream big!!!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 111

What a fun weekend! Sorry once again for our delay, we have been on the road a LOT! The last few weeks have been packed full with presentations and activities with the kids. I have to throw in a quick 'proud dad' moment. Lauren, our second oldest, won 5 awards and 2 medals for her academic achievements this year. We have five truly incredible kids, we are so proud.

We spent Memorial Day enjoying time with family in South Florida and sharing the Qivana products and opportunity with friends and family there. We are so excited to be welcoming some of our dearest friends and family members to our team. They are all excited about trying the products and about the opportunity that the business offers. The coming week is going to be busy with much of the same. We love the makes it so easy to keep up with such a demanding schedule. We do a shake every morning for breakfast and many days for lunch as well just because it is so fast and easy. Not to mention it keeps us full longer than any other 'quick' options out there!

As you can probably tell from the date stamp, it's once again very late (or very early depending on your view-point). We'll continue to do our best to keep you up to date on our Metaboliq is certainly an exciting one!!!

May your days be blessed!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 98

Hello all! Well, it has been busy, busy, busy. We're so excited to be in a different living room almost every evening sharing our story, product and company with great folks. We have been so blessed to have an incredible team that has huge dreams. Evenings that we haven't had presentations we have been working on goal planning with our team and it has been so exciting to see the great things happening for those brave enough to venture out and create the life they want for themselves and their families.

We are reading a great book by Robert Kiyosaki, "The Business School Book". What a great read!!! It has been great in keeping our motivation high and our presentation fun.

As for the weight loss, again, we haven't weighed in recently. Honestly though, I'm not nearly as worried about the bathroom scale as I was on previous 'diets' because my clothes fit great, I feel great and I can see a visible difference in the mirror. We'll be headed to the food bank again in the next couple of weeks, so I'm sure we'll weigh in before then. Nathan has been running, lifting weights, playing basketball and even gave 'P90X' a go yesterday. He claims he'll be back to weights, basketball and running tomorrow... :). I'm still doing my 2.5 miles a day and throwing in some light weights when I can. We're both feeling great and our level of energy gets better by the day!

Speaking of community projects, we're collecting school supplies for the boys and girls club in St. Thomas for our 'Qivana Cares' mission while we're there. We've already purchased several things ourselves and are in awe of the people wanting to participate and send supplies along with us for these less fortunate boys and girls. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people! On that note, time to get some things done and hit the hay before another exciting day!

May your day be filled with kindness & Blessings!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 93

Good Evening! (or morning I guess technically would be more appropriate) An exciting couple of days, yesterday Kelly was in Perry with our mentor and favorite Presidential Diamond and I stayed home on conference calls. She didn't get in until almost midnight and we both feel asleep pretty quick. Then today was another wonderful day, I worked with some great team members and worked out while she was at work. Then she got home, worked out, we had a quick bite with the kiddos and headed out to a team members home for a great presentation. This business is so much fun. We love hearing all of the testimonials from friends and family who are off of blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds & insulin. Now it's exciting to see all of our friends on MetaboliQ slimming down! We have another busy night ahead tomorrow as we head different directions in the evening. We hope to update you tomorrow but it may be Friday before we can log on. Hope you are enjoying a macrobalanced day!!!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 91

Oh my...our sincerest apologies for the incredibly long delay in posting an update! No excuses (but we'll give you one anyway)...since the MetaboliQ System was released our business was thrown into overdrive, it has been incredible. It has also, however, taken much of our time in working with our team, doing presentations and attending events. By the time we get home we are pretty well spent! So, there you have it, our apology, excuse and re-commitment to get back to regular updates.

What an exciting couple of weeks to catch you up on. We have welcomed so many new team members, have seen so many exciting results with the products and have continued with our personal success stories. In April we attended a leadership event where we were able to enjoy great training and motivation. We were so excited to be 'inducted' into the Founder's Circle of the company because we have built a team of incredible individuals and shared the products with so many people. What an honor! We also had the privilege of meeting many new friends there. I have to throw in that my mother also had an exciting honor of being named the honorary woman at the 'Women Rock' convention. I am so proud of her!

While we have not been as diligent at weighing in, we continue to drop sizes and feel great. We will do a weigh in soon and post the results. We did make another trip to the food bank and delivered a donation of food for some incredible team members (thank you Amy & Joe) and also to catch Nathan & I up on our donations. We have donated over 40 pounds now...and have shed more than that as exciting!!!

As you can probably tell from the date stamp, it is pretty late and we are going different directions tomorrow to spread the word about this incredible opportunity and amazing products. Off to bed for a few hours sleep!

'Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you've imagined' -Thoreau


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 50

The weather is finally warming up a bit. It has been an unusually cold year. Today was great, busy day at the school followed by a quick visit to a wonderful team member to go over some information, a not-so-fast run and yummy dinner before we dashed out to hear John Terhune speak at the Gainesville Open Meeting. It was wonderful to see so many of our team members (27!) there tonight!

We will definitely be re-measuring soon...I'm wearing all the clothes that haven't fit in years! A few of us discussed tonight that we aren't seeing dramatic differences on the bathroom scale but rather in the way our clothes are fitting, just like Dr. Layman said we would. What a great system. you might be able to tell from the date's another late one, we better hit the hay!

'What would you do today if you knew you could not fail'...



Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 49

Our sincere apologies for being MIA for a whole 10 days! It was a very, very busy 10 days. We were getting up early as usual, working, meetings, presentations and getting done extremely was all we could do to get everything situated for the next day and get some sleep. This weekend we had fun, got to head down to Bradenton and attend the Bradenton Seafood Festival, hear Rodney Atkins live from the patio, watch the dolphins play in the 'front yard' of the condo, enjoy time with the babies and reset our clocks. We are so excited to have another wonderful week ahead of us with so many incredible 'seasoned' team members and so many motivated new team members! This is such an exciting business and we are so blessed to have discovered it! We only hope that we can bless others with the products and opportunity the way it has blessed our lives.

That's about it from the Pence front...everyone happy and healthy and doing great! Over 30 pounds combined now, we'll be making another trip to the food bank very soon and spending some time with the kiddos volunteering. The Metaboliq System has made such a huge impact on not only us but the kids as well. Goodness knows I didn't know what Lucine was at the age of 10, but they do! :) We also love that they understand the importance of giving back to others. You only get one chance to teach them before they set off in their own journeys, we hope to send them out with the confidence and ability to dream big and believe in themselves...

Well, that's enough for tonight...big day tomorrow. John Terhune will be presenting at the Gainesville Open, sure to be a great evening!



Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 39

Hello all! Once again, it will have to be a short blog this evening. We're working on some huge goals and so we've been working like crazy. Great day, Nathan got to meet with some great team members and future team members. I had some great calls after work and we have both just slowed down enough to call it a night. Had several people notice that we are both losing a significant amount of weight, that's always nice! Well, eyes are starting to close without me....goodnight world! May you enjoy every moment as it is a gift!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 38

What an awesome day! Have to start out with how awesome it was that the WASPs were honored with a congressional medal of honor, go Capt Bob for leading that much deserved crusade...and thank you WASPs for your selfless service (we female pilots gotta stick together). :)

Okay, so...we had an awesome day! I had a staff meeting with my wonderful teachers followed by a great school day. Nathan had several conference calls and made some new contacts. Then we met up this afternoon after school. I had a great run...not as fast or steady as usual, but still good. The cardio/weight training I did yesterday left my legs a little sore so I was a bit slower. It was overcast but the temp was perfect! Then we had steak, brussel sprouts (with pancetta & apple cider vinegar...yum), tomatoes and a whole wheat roll. Yummy! I haven't weighed in a bit, need to do that soon...but my clothes are all very baggy! :) Then this evening we had the privilege of hearing Craig Johanson, Qivana CMO, speak at the UF Hilton. We were surrounded by some of our busiest and most motivated team members and a great guest. It was motivating and very, love, love, this company!

While there were many more details, it's late and we have a very busy day tomorrow...Nathan has three lunch meetings alone. :) Hope you have a dream-chasing day as well!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 36 & 37

Evening world! This post will be short, we're exhausted! :) Two awesome days. Yesterday we had a presentation at the house with our friend and mentor as well as some awesome members of our team. Lots of exciting things happening in the business right now. It's so exciting to be involved with something so revolutionary so early in the game. Triple digit growth and we're only about 25 weeks old! This is going to be an exciting journey for certain. Tonight we had some great calls with team members and prospective team members, had a great dinner (beef lettuce wraps with salad and beans) and finished the evening off with a great workout. Tomorrow evening we will have the privilege of seeing the CSO, Craig Johanson, at the Gainesville Hilton. Need to get rested up before another exciting day. Hope that everything in your world is wonderful as well!


Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 35

Hello again. Had a really great day today. Got up early this morning, fed the kids breakfast, jumped in the car and drove south. We spent the day with an awesome lady (Kelly's Mom) to kick off her birthday week. (the women in this family seem to go with a birthday week or month instead of just a day...) Even with a hitch in planning we managed to surprise her (security at her place is not easily overcome). We spent the day checking out a few select vehicles (i.e. BMW, Jags, and Mercedes) trying to help her pick out her next set of wheels. May have gotten some ideas for our next set of wheels also. The Metaboliq shakes kept us going all day until it was time for our reservations at the BEST restaurant this side of Sicily. Aunt Kay had the 'family table' decorated with balloons and roses and Uncle Carmen prepared his usual perfection on a plate. keeps right in line with our Metaboliq lifestyle...we substituted veggies for pasta and balanced our starchy carb (warm bread) with the protein (chicken a'la Carmen....soooo good). So we got to enjoy our favorites without the guilt! Dear friends of hers (and ours) joined us for cupcakes (which we happily passed on) and enjoyed her birthday celebration with us until we had to get back on the road for Gainesville before an incredibly busy week. Will keep you posted as the week goes by, goodnight and hope your week is as great as ours!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 34

Hi ya all! Well, we're really new to blogging but many of you have mentioned that you've been leaving comments and they are getting lost in cyberspace. We're working on it and would love to read your don't give up on leaving them! :) We would loooove to hear from you all and are thrilled to know that you've been trying. Sorry for the technical difficulties.

So, you guessed it...we had an awesome day. (I had one person tell me that they read our blog and how 'lucky' we are to always have great things happening...happiness and gratitude are a choice...everyone can achieve them) This morning we started off with some running around and worked on the house a bit. Then we had the privilege of attending a leadership cook-out at the home of our mentors, Vernon and Debra. It was wonderful to have time to talk with fellow team members and to learn from the masters! We kept with our 'plate look' at dinner by having a hot dog (the bun was my starchy carb), coleslaw and water...there's a slight chance that a dear friend gave me a small bite of her chocolate chip cookie. :) One pant size down and a significant difference in the way my clothes fit...I think it'll be okay.

Tomorrow is another exciting day and this week will be a busy one. Being as we turn the clocks ahead tonight...we better hit the hay! Good night world!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 32 & 33

Hello all. Sorry, late on this post. We have been extremely busy with our business, which is a good thing! Thursday was spent mostly on the phone with out of state team members and potential team members. We have met so many great people through Qivana and we're really just getting started. Every day is truly an adventure and we go to bed better people through the contacts we've made and the friendships we've developed. Yesterday we welcomed several people from Wednesday nights meeting to the team and today we welcomed another. Some wonderful people that we're excited to get to know better. We continue with the Metaboliq System and are still amazed by the fantastic results we're seeing. Kelly was pleased to come home and tell me about several people who commented on her weight's always nice when people notice. Looking forward to a great weekend with our Qivana family. Tomorrow promises to be a great day with a Leadership Event at our mentors home. We'll be happy to tell you all about it tomorrow after we get some rest. Good night!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 31

Day 31 is coming to a close (and we're blogging it before midnight!). What an awesome day. I had a teacher out so I subbed in a VPK classroom today which was fun. Then after work I got Tyler's haircut, it looks great Julie-thank you! Then Nathan and I had a quick dinner and were off to a great home meeting for some new team members. It was great and they will be welcoming many new team members to their quickly growing teams very soon! Exciting day, lots going on! However, I'm going to attempt to get slightly closer to that 8 hours of sleep tonight...very tired! See you all after another exciting Q Day! :)


Day 30

Hello world! Very get the abbreviated version this evening. :) Usual for breakfast followed by a very crazy day. My Day School was broken into last night so my morning was a whirlwind. We had several GPD officers, detectives and investigators out taking the complaint and thoroughly investigating the case. They were absolutely a God-sent! One of our parents is also an officer and was kind enough to stick around this morning to help us get everything rolling. My darling husband also came up and stayed by my side and helped to improve our security measures to keep our school safe. Lots of random items were stolen, the most important thing was that no one was hurt and that we have increased security measures. I guarded the building like a hawk today (okay, for those of you who know me....even more so than usual!) and made sure we took measures to prevent another occurrence. I found out later that another local school was broken into only days ago...sad isn't it?! The police officers are going to be patrolling at night and helping us keep everything safe. Lots of little guys in my care...that sort of thing shakes you up!

So...I know it isn't a good thing, but amidst all the events of the day...lunch didn't happen. Before joining me at the school Nathan met with a gentleman who is looking for a plan B...they had a great talk and are going to reconnect tomorrow after he has done some Q Trainer research. Then after work I got to meet with a friend of a friend who I've played phone tag with for quite some time. He is also excited about the opportunity and took lots of literature to look over tonight. Then this evening, we did a presentation for some of our awesome team members and got to meet with a great fellow aviation professional who would benefit greatly from our incredible products. A rough morning, but great evening.

Well....the day has taken it's toll. Need to get some sleep...sorry Debra, my 8 hours of sleep looks sadly unrealistic for this evening...soon, I really am looking forward to it!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 29

Hello world! Today was a great day with lots of positive things going on. I'm really enjoying the freedom to work our business full time. Spoke with a potential new team member today who is suffering from several health problems that I know our product will help. It's very satisfying when you know the health benefits that will affect peoples lives in such a dramatic way. Then I spoke with another potential team member who has been hit hard by the economy. He's excited about the income potential that our family has already seen in action....again, very exciting. Last but not least I got to welcome my brother to the team. I'm very happy to see him ready to be proactive about his health.

Working from home also means that I have more time to focus on my family. It's nice to be able to spend quality time with family and work around them instead of working them in around a 9 to 5 schedule. After working a full day we had a very good dinner ('Poppy's' Sauerkraut Chicken, salad and a whole wheat roll). Spent the remainder of the evening on the phone, with the kids, and then an awesome workout with Kelly. She may disagree tomorrow, her legs are already killing her and she's worried she may not be able to walk in the morning. :)

Very exciting day planned tomorrow, breakfast meeting, lunch meetings and a presentation with the doc tomorrow night. Bed is calling my name, goodnight!


Day 27 & 28

Hello world! Sorry we missed our post last night...sleep trumped blog. :) Both days, breakfast and lunch as usual. Yesterday (Saturday) we got to attend one of Amy and Tyler's friend's birthday parties which was fun. The weather was beautiful, the park was great and the kids had a blast! One of our newer team members was there and we got to chatting about the Metaboliq. She had just gotten started and one of the first things she noticed was that she had a ton of energy. So much so, in fact, that she didn't have any caffeine because she didn't need it to keep her energy level high. So now she's getting the right amount of protein, keeping energy throughout the day, building muscle and burning fat all while being able to kick another bad habit in the process. Doesn't get much better than that. After we left the party we dropped our oldest off for a birthday party at one of her best girlfriends houses and had some much-needed family time. Only in a southern household...Family PBR night. :) The kids, Nathan and I all laid on the floor and watched PBR until the little ones fell asleep and we got everyone tucked in for the night. It was great.

Then today was another awesome day. We got up (wanna guess breakfast and lunch?!), had a great workout and decided to have an 'impromptu' potluck get together with our incredible team. With only a few hours notice we ended up with a houseful of guests, which we loved! Our team really has become like family, we all enjoy each others company so much. Everyone brought their children, the kids all got to play in the yard because it was gorgeous outside. We all got to chat about the great health benefits people are seeing, discuss ideas and motivation books we're reading and made sure everyone had what they needed to do their dream boards. The dinner was great because everyone is on the MetaboliQ and so the food choices fell right in line with the Metaboliq lifestyle meals. Good food like chicken, veggies, tomatoes with cheese, then beans, rice and macaroni salad for our starchy carb choices. Everyone enjoyed a great meal, great friends, and got to start the week off motivated! Tonight we met with a few individual team members who have the vision and dream that are moving them forward creating incredible opportunities for them. Then Nathan and I planned out our week and now it's off to bed for another exciting week. Hope you are enjoying reading about our journey, we are enjoying sharing it with you. Didn't get to our measurements today but will do so soon (can tell you however that we are back into much smaller sizes than we were before!). :) Need to make another trip to the foodbank soon!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 26

Hello all. Hard to believe we're only 26 days into this with such great results. Really starting to see the difference in not only each other, but also ourselves and our friends. I don't think we've ever followed a weight system this faithfully. I think the great taste of the shakes and the fact that the MetaboliQ stick is like sneaking a chocolate bar helps a great deal.

We started our day as usual (from this point forward 'usual' will mean boost, shake, boost, shake, stick). Went our separate ways this morning and had the opportunity to meet a few people and share the fantastic business opportunity. At this point after having experienced so many positive health advancements with the Qore and MetaboliQ Systems, it's no longer a presentation. It's more like sharing a great idea that could potentially save someones life and give them financial freedom. This company rocks!

Busy day scheduled tomorrow. Sleep could possibly come in handy. Hope everyone had a great day and we'll 'talk' tomorrow.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 25

Good evening world! Tonight's blog will have to be short, sweet and to the point...I'm tiiiiired! I know this probably sounds redundant...but another great day! You can probably guess what breakfast and lunch were. Dinner was a yummy roast with veggies and a whole wheat roll. My husband is an amazing cook, I always enjoy his new 'creations'. Tonight was one of them and it was usual, no leftovers around here! Then after dinner we decided to let the kids try the resist. It was really funny watching their faces as they tried cookies and a piece of candy. Not nearly as good or tempting! Nathan and I haven't really had to use the resist recently, the cravings aren't even there anymore. Even if I do get a sweet tooth weak moment...the Metaboliq stick is far more tempting to me than cookies or other sweets and isn't cheating at all. I love this system! :)

Today was great, a little colder than I care for, but great none-the-less. Mary (my Assistant Director and dear friend) and I did some school supply shopping and took the coats from our coat drive to the Children's Home Society. It always feels good to give back. Then after work Nathan and I made some calls, enjoyed a family dinner and then had the privilege of listening in on the Qivana Leadership call followed by a great product info call by Dr. Laux. The company has seen a 400% growth in sales and IBO sign-ups since the Metaboliq was about right place, right time!!! One last 'brag' moment, progress reports came out and once again all the girls proudly displayed their As and Bs! So proud of our dedicated, smart young ladies! The babies are loving school too, sometimes the things they come out with just crack us both up! The evening ended with a meeting with a great IBO and friend. Now....time for bed! See you tomorrow...may you have a blessed and wonderful day tomorrow!!!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 24

Hello world! Another great day on Qivana MetaboliQ. We started the day as always with our boost & shake then a boost, shake and stick. For dinner we enjoyed a roast, cabbage w/garlic and onion, salad and a whole grain roll. Spent the day helping my beautiful wife with a few odd jobs around her school. Also had an opportunity to talk to several potential IBOs (and yes Ms Ellen, you are most definitely in our prayers). Snuggled babies for just a few short minutes (they get so big when you're not looking) and then it was off to a meeting. Had a great time hearing our mentor and dear friend Vernon. He gets better everytime...thank you so much for all that you do! Am very excited about the next two weeks, so much exciting stuff going on! Hope you guys had a great day and a blessed tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 23

Hello all! Another great day under our belt. A boost and a shake then a boost, shake and stick started our day off. Like Nathan, I have to agree that I still enjoy them and love not being hungry mid morning (or mid afternoon...or late at We both enjoyed a productive day. Nathan started the day with a workout then on the phone sharing the Qivana products and opportunity. Once again...our awesome team has grown, welcome to all the wonderful new IBOs who have joined us to either improve their health, financial health, or both! You will be pleasantly surprised at how great you feel on these amazing products (and maybe even surprised at how quickly you'll want to tell everyone you love).

I started my day off at the school (thank you Nathan for the brag are a sweetheart). I have to give credit to my amazing team of teachers, they are incredible. My board of directors is so supportive as well, they were all there with coffee and goodies to welcome the long line of parents ready to get signed up for the fall yesterday. Love, love, love having such amazing people in our lives! Then today after many meetings, reports and calls we headed home and followed up with some friends and new acquaintances on the phone. Enjoyed a little snuggle time and got everyone off to bed. I would just love to say I did another 2.5 miles today (which I did sneak in yesterday) but no such luck. The weather was disgusting and I took it as a sign that I should rest for the day. :) Gotta say, love the fact that my pants are all getting too big...almost time to go shopping!

Better get some rest before another exciting day. Hoping that your day was blessed and full of miracles as well!!!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 22

Day 22 and everything is still going great. Normally, on other systems, I would be ready to attack some fried chicken by now or really sick of the 'plan'. Not so on the MetaboliQ. I still enjoy the content feeling during the day of not being hungry and honestly love the shakes and the sticks. So, as you may have guessed...started the day with boost and a shake followed by boost a shake and a stick for lunch. For dinner we enjoyed chili (extra meat, less beans) and steamed broccoli (not the best 'match', but completed our 'plate look' and tasted great).

Had the privilege of helping Kelly get her Monday started. I took the kids to school and she headed to work for Open Enrollment at her Day School. I arrived around 8:15 and was amazed to see the line of parents hoping for a space in one of her classes. I was even more amazed when I discovered that the first ones in line had arrived at 4:30 am...that's! It was an amazing testament to the great job Kelly does as the director. I was very proud of how eager and determined the parents were to have their children in Kelly's care. As a parent, I know that this is not a decision reached without serious thought. Okay...sorry, had to have a quick 'brag session'.

The rest of the day consisted of meeting with contacts, a great workout and enjoying a Qivana presentation done by a Master IBO and a family physician. We had a huge turn-out from our team, it was great to see everyone there building their businesses. Another busy day tomorrow so sleep is a must. Hope all your dreams are coming true as fast as ours.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 21...the 3 week mark!

Hello! Sorry we've missed several days, we took the Qivana presentations on the road! Thursday evening we had our first Bradenton Open Meeting and had a great turn-out with some great folks! Several ready to get started with the Qore System and/or the MetaboliQ System. The last several days consisted of some traveling, meetings, get togethers, boosts, shakes and sticks of course and some great meals that fall right in line with our MetaboliQ lifestyle.

We've been so excited to be adding new Qivana IBOs (Independent Business Owners) by the day. Some who are just looking to improve their health and some who are excited about changing their future. The next five years is sure to be different than the excited about the great things happening with this great company and our amazing team.

While I would love to fill you in on the finer details, we have an exciting day ahead and a dear friend reminded me that those 8 hours of sleep are crucial...thanks Debra...and goodnight! :)

Leaving you with one of my favorite quotes this evening, 'Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you've imagined' -Thoreau An inspiration that guides our journey!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 17...

Awesome day today! Started the day as usual with a ... you guessed it, boost and a shake. Both went our separate ways to our j.o.b.s. Mine was a short day as today was the last day at my j.o.b. Now I will be able to focus more attention and energy where it matters. Had boost, stick and a shake for lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon making phone calls and preparing for tonight's presentation.

We came home and had a great dinner (roast, broccoli and a whole wheat roll), and enjoyed some quality time with the kids. Then once again we were off and running. It was great presenting for some new IBOs adding some great new IBOs to the team. It's always inspiring when you see the fire spread into another persons eyes, knowing that you've started the journey to fulfilling their dreams. Have I mentioned I love this business?! Enough for tonight, looking forward to a great day tomorrow. Hope yours is the same...


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 16...going strong

Hello, hello! What a great day, and of we are in the wee hours again to catch you up. Another great day...started off with our boost and shake followed by boost, shake and stick for lunch. It is so nice not getting hungry mid-morning or mid-afternoon...we're both feeling great and needing new belts! :) For dinner tonight we enjoyed chicken and artichokes and a small side of pasta... yum.

I haven't stepped back on the scale (contrary to popular belief I'm sure...), but I actually passed a mirrored window today, looked over and was happy with what I saw!!! What a great feeling.

As for the day, it was wonderful. We both headed off to work first thing and enjoyed a productive day. Then I had a doctors visit (wellness check-ups) with our oldest daughters. The doctor was thrilled that they are doing so well on Qivana and haven't been sick in such a long time! She reinforced that it was a great product to have them on which is always great to hear. Then we met with a friend who also decided to jump on board, ate a quick bite, got some great snuggles & hugs and headed on the road to the Lake City meeting where we met up with some fabulous new IBOs and also some of our amazing high ranking team members. As one of our favorite sayings goes...'wet wood won't burn, get close to the fire'. We love to hear our mentor and friend Vernon give presentations, they are always so inspiring. We also had the priviledge of hearing Dr. Wright present on the products, his expertise in the medical field and with our products is incredible. Then we headed back to little ole' Gainesville (a suburb of Lake City as it has recently been named) and finished up with some calls. Now it's time to turn in and get some rest before another exciting day tomorrow. Hope all of you are enjoying success on your journeys and are finding life exciting and full of new adventures!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 15...moving right along...

Good evening all! Sorry the posts have been coming so late... It's been a very busy last few days. (not that we're complaining, we're loving it!) There is something to be said for finding a company just before they hit hypergrowth...we're riding this to the top!

So many exciting things have occurred over the last two weeks. Kelly and I believe that all things happen for a reason, so we strive to stay positive no matter what the situation. That always seems to propel us onto higher ground. Life has taken a turn we never would have seen coming a year ago and we are so grateful. As of Thursday I will be focusing on our Qivana promised when we began this more hot garages this summer! whooo hoo!!!

Monday was not so bad. Its great being able to drink a quick shake in the morning and grab a bar and shake on the way out the door for lunch. No more greasy burgers and more time wasted, no more excess weight slowing us down... For dinner we enjoyed homemade tacos; less shell, more meat and a stick for a snack (I know, I know, not enough smart carbs tonight...seriously, we passed each other in the kitchen...busy day). The day seems to go better when hunger doesn't bother you.

As for the business side of things, I got to talk to some great team members and friends looking at the business tonight. Kelly went over to work with some new team members and it looks like even more 'welcome's are in store! The business of helping people, be-it financially, better health, etc... it's a great way to live. Busy day tomorrow, need some sleep...signing off for now! Good night!


Day 14...Two week mark!

Hello all! Sorry we never got back on yesterday to blog...the day ended at about 2:30/3am and quite frankly...we were whooped! We had the privilege yesterday of seeing many of our team members achieve goals that they had worked hard exciting!!! I was also able to go and celebrate a friend's birthday with she and her family and friends which was wonderful!

Today was another fantastic day. We didn't weigh in and decided to keep yesterdays measurements and weigh-ins as our week 2 totals. Can you believe, Nathan lost 5 inches around his waist and I've lost 3!!! Wow! As usual, we had our boost first thing, but had a breakfast of eggs, veggies, cheese and a slice of toast this morning. A boost and shake for lunch with a Metaboliq stick for a snack and then steaks, veggies and sweet potato for dinner with some great friends and team members to celebrate recent accomplishments followed by some strategizing for the week ahead. Nathan and I both made a few calls today and set up some appointments, but other than that it was much needed family time! We took the kids out to the Keystone Airport and enjoyed the Airshow for the afternoon. Showed my little guys the planes I've flown, got to let them check out some cool airplanes and meet some incredible people. A much needed opportunity to smell that sweet smell of jet favorite! (followed by doubling up on my detox of course...) :) Then we had dinner, made 'dirt cups' for the kids for dessert (pudding, oreos, gummy sour worms...ick! No temptation there!). Great day, great night!!! Looking forward to another great week ahead as the pounds are coming off!!!

Wishing you a wonderful kick-start to your week as well!!!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 13...

Good Afternoon! We're having a great day at the Pence House! Just had to share the news. We cheated a little (but I think if we're both in on it, it's allowed!). Tomorrow is an official weigh-in day...but curiosity got the best of us this morning. So we thought we would share our exciting results (less than 2 weeks in!). I weighed and have lost a total of 16 lbs! The goal is 200, started at 257 and am down to 241. Kelly weighed in and has lost just over 5 lbs total (I'll leave it up to her to give total weights if she chooses, I'm not that crazy...). She looked at the scale (of course with all the previous 'diets' in her head) and felt like she had lost more than 5 we decided to redo our measurements. She was right! Fat weighs less than all the previous diets she was losing muscle so the numbers moved faster. She has lost 3 inches around her waist!!! No wonder she's down a pant size! All her measurements came down, we'll post them all later... I had lost 5 inches in my waist...feeling great! Only 13 days and a total of 21 lbs and 8 inches off our!!!!

Have a busy day planned and will post again this evening at some point... Hope your day is great!!!


Day 12...almost over

Hola! (Qivana is opening in Mexico later this year, need to brush up on my very limited Spanish!) What a wonderful day it was today! Started the day, you guessed it...a boost and a shake (breakfast in bed again...I am soooo spoiled!). Then, yep...boost and a shake for lunch and a mid-afternoon MetaboliQ Stick...yummmm! Dinner...filling but not my favorite. I had some roast beef , some cheese and completely forgot about the broccoli I had cooked (see what happens when he lets me take care of dinner!). :) Nathan lifted and played basketball and I had a quick 2.5 mile run before we headed out this evening.

Started the day by having the privilege of welcoming a good friend into the business. Then worked and got to chat with excited new IBOs (Independent Business Owners) as they get their businesses up and running this evening. Have I mentioned that I LOVE this business?! It is so much fun and so motivating. Then went out this evening and sooo enjoyed everyone asking how we had lost so much weight! A question we just loooove to answer! These products are just too great not to share with everyone!

Well, It's know what I mean! :) And we have another great day ahead (and my wonderful Nathan is snoring in my ear...) So goodnight for now, may your day tomorrow be blessed and filled with joy!!!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 11

You guessed it...another great day! Started the day as usual, still can't believe that I can drink my breakfast and not be hungry all morning. This system is such a time-saver. No more wondering what to have for breakfast, no more stopping for soft drinks, no more twenty-minute waits for a lunch that doesn't taste good and is way too expensive (not to mention will add the pounds and inches instead of taking them off). Dinner was baked chicken, a whole-wheat roll, asparagus and some cabbage.

Spent our evening with a few of our fantastic team members, a great medical doctor, our mentor & friend Vernon, and friends new to Qivana (Welcome new team members!). A confession; when my wife first told me about the products they sounded good. When she mentioned there was a business opportunity I probably rolled my eyes as I reluctantly agreed to hold a presentation at our home with our friends. Almost a year later, I enjoy seeing guests come to presentations also waiting to confirm their feelings that the business is one that they would never be interested in...then transforming to a realization that this is a solid company, cutting edge products and a compensation plan that is hard to hear about and not get excited.

Something else I've enjoyed in the last few days...seeing all of our friends' excitement in the pounds they're losing on the new MetaboliQ System. I know from my standpoint, I already feel so much better. It's amazing how you carry the extra weight and not realize how limiting it becomes. Just something as simple as tying your shoes in the morning and realizing that you're not uncomfortable or putting on a pair of pants that you couldn't button just weeks ago is a truly amazing feeling. Something about losing weight seems to boost confidence and you can even see the years almost turning back as people feel better physically and mentally...very exciting when they are people you care about!

Well guys, can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store, but I'm sure it will require some amount of sleep. Hope you had a great day and an even better tomorrow! Good night...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 10, what a day!

Hello world! Thanks for the recent comments guys, some days we get on here and have to wonder if there's anyone out there reading this... (and Yvette, he said he'll have to show you how to make the is soooo good!). So, have I mentioned that I LOVE the meal replacements?! I know we've saved money from not having to get lunches 'on the fly', etc. Plus, the shakes and MetaboliQ stick are great and neither of us feel like we're not getting enough to eat! Love it, love it, love it! For dinner tonight we had a steak, broccoli & cheese, cabbage, and a half a baked potato...yummmmm! Nathan didn't have a chance to work out this evening with all the meetings and presentations we had. I didn't have a chance and probably wouldn't have been able to if I wanted to anyway...needed to give my muscles a night to recover. OUCH! I may have overdone it a smidge yesterday...I'm just so excited about the fat and inches that I'm losing and want to firm everything up! :) TMI?!

Other than that, a great day in general. Both of us headed off to work, then taxied kiddos and set out on our calls, presentations and meetings. It was a great evening working with great people... Off to send out a few emails and head to bed before another exciting day. New IBOs joining the team tomorrow, a presentation at our home tomorrow evening and great things in store. Hoping that all of you enjoyed a wonderful day as well!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 9...another great day!

It's hard to believe that day 9 is behind us and this keeps getting easier. I've had success with other programs but never without hunger pains and cravings. I love this stuff! Kelly has even given up caffeine in an effort to obtain optimal health, which normally leaves her with severe headaches for at least a week (great times at the Pence Home...), but with this system, she hasn't had the first headache and hard to believe, but even more energy than ever.

Had the usual for breakfast and lunch. Then got to enjoy one of our favorites for dinner. Baked chicken, artichokes and mushrooms in a garlic sauce and brussel sprouts. It was a busy day, very cold for Florida... After getting home I lifted weights, played some basketball and set out on a short run. Kelly got home and ran her 2.5 while I cooked dinner and then did a 50 minute cardio this evening (which must have been intense, she looks pretty sore). I spent the evening with my good friend Joe. We attended a presentation by Founding Circle (that's a big deal to us Qivana folks) Vernon Douglas and the always engaging Dr. Wright who also joined the Founders Circle today. Vernon is our mentor (and dear friend) and it's always a highlight to hear him speak and get close to 'the fire'. Also, had a chance to congratulate another dear friend Mike as he also joined the Founders Circle recently. Make room guys, we're on your heels! Joe and I had a great conversation on the way home and are both setting out motivated about the incredible opportunity we have in our hands. Got home and tried to relay the excitement to Kelly, think I was successful...she was motivated and kept going until I finally convinced her that she needed to shut down before setting off running again tomorrow. She was busy at work as well this evening. Beyond her intense workout I also arrived to catch the tail end of a motivational call with a team member. We've set our goals outside of our comfort zone and fully expect to reach them.

Hope you all had a great day. That's it for me, see you on Day 10!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 8, still going strong

Hello all! I first have to second Nathan's post from yesterday, this past weekend was awesome and inspiring. We're recommitted and re-motivated to move forward, lose more weight and donate more food! We're excited about the people who are talking about joining our challenge and donating for each pound they lose, be sure to comment on here so that we can all keep up with the awesome things everyone is doing for the community! We also want to make sure we keep a running total of the pounds of food that are donated on the pound for pound challenge...exciting stuff!

There was no school today. The kids and I got to spend a day together which I always love! Nothing better than snuggle time with the little guys... Breakfast was of course a boost and a shake, I love how quick and easy breakfast and lunch are. I look forward to my Metaboliq stick everyday at lunch, the best comparison I can make is that it tastes like a really good brownie...yummy! The kids shared one today too, they've been gave in. They loved it too. I was able to run my 2.5 miles and do a 40 minute cardio work-out today, felt great! Nathan lifted and played basketball and even fit in a short run. For dinner we had eggs, cheese and veggies. This evening Nathan got to attend the Gainesville Open Meeting where we always get re-motivated. I stayed home and made some calls, we met up afterward and listened in to the weekly training webinar together....awesome as usual!

Tomorrow it's back to work. Then in the evening Nathan and his good friend (and team member) are headed to Lake City to a presentation and I have more conference calls. This is shaping up to be yet another wonderful week. Life is such a blessings. Hoping you all had an incredible Monday to kick-start your week as well.

-Kelly :)

Just past Day 7...

Hello about blue today (in honor of the 'blue Q'- MetaboliQ). Well, it's just past day 7, but couldn't go to sleep without a quick post to fill you in (is there anybody out there?) on our day...

I hope all of you woke up next to your sweetheart on Valentine's Day, because I did. We shared a quick breakfast (guesses? Yep, a shake and boost), then started out on our busy day. First order of business...the 'official' weigh-in, 12 pounds Nathan...4 pounds Kelly. We were both thrilled with our results. So, this afternoon we made our first trip to the food bank. It definitely hit home and confirmed that what we're doing will go to benefit others, just as we had hoped when we developed our challenge. It also really helped us to appreciate the people who work in the food bank (and food banks across the country), who run these great organizations and who selflessly volunteer their time on a daily basis to make these programs successful in their fight to end hunger. Pretty powerful. I have to say, one of my 'proud papa moments' was when my wife asked our 5 year old son if he knew what the food bank was for...his answer blew me away. He knew that they collected food for people who were 'running out of food and needed help to get more'. He totally understood the concept, prayerful that we can continue to teach them to be thankful for what we have and the importance of giving back.

So, we had a blast weighing the food, sorting and showing the kids around the food bank. They all got to pitch in, hopeful that we'll lose a significant amount more or be able to include other participants in the challenge by our next visit...sixteen pounds leaves little for each one to do and they were all anxious to help! Next visit, at least 2 hours of volunteer time! :)

Lunch of course, you guessed it...a boost, shake and a Metaboliq stick. The foods we used to crave don't even tempt us now, the progress and lack of hunger pains are keeping us on track. Didn't get to work out, will have to make up for lost time this week. We enjoyed dinner with Kelly's mom, bunless burgers, sweet potatoes and baked beans followed by a nice long drive discussing our goals and future. Wished Kelly's brother a happy birthday across the miles (Happy Birthday Brian) and that's about it for today (technically yesterday, but you get my drift).

Better get some sleep before another busy day...goodnight all!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 6...going strong!

Hello world! What a great day Day 6 has been! We started the guessed it, with a boost and a shake, yum! Nathan must have had that same 'accident' with the scale, either that or he just feels a total of 12 lbs lighter now. Wow, we are so excited about our results so far. A total of 15 lbs combined, and counting!

I was off with my mom to a Speaking of Women's Health conference put on by Manatee Memorial Hospital. It was great and really reinforced how great our Qivana products are. The doctors all spoke about moving from synthetic drugs to neutraceudicals, the importance of focusing on wellness rather than responding to illness and about inflammation being the root of all evil in essence. Being that Qivana is all natural, the most advanced and scientifically validated products, and known for its anti-inflammatory properties...well, lets just say I was happy to be one of the few women in the room who could be confident that they are on the right track to true wellness and anti-aging (can't say the only, Mom takes her Qivana too!). The sessions were great and the key-note speaker was so motivating and uplifting. After learning of Nathan's lay-off this week, it was just what the doctor ordered to renew my spirit of positivity and hope! At lunch I used my 'plate look' (and my boost) to be sure I was eating a properly balanced meal. Chicken breast, brown rice, green beans and a red pepper from Michael's On East (passed the rolls right by) was a treat and kept me right on track! The cake didn't even look tempting, wishing I had brought resist for all the ladies at the table talking about not needing dessert, but eating it because it was 'right there'. If only everyone knew what we know!

After we got back we spent time with the kids and then were off to dinner with Uncle Carmen and Aunt Kay. Uncle Carmen is from Sicily and can imagine what his food is like! Yummmmmm... We've worked too hard to turn back now though! So we both had one roll and opted out of the pasta, Chicken a la Carmen was tasty as ever and we had veggies instead of the pasta! It was delicious and guilt-free! Then we did some shopping, some presentations and topped off the day snuggling on the couch watching movies with the babies. What a life this is!!!

Nathan and I have a busy week ahead. We plan to stop out at the food bank tomorrow to drop off our first delivery of our pound for pound challenge. We are so excited about it!!! We'll do one more 'weigh in ' in the morning (an official one!) to determine the weight we'll be donating on our first visit. We are so excited about the things happening with our health, the things happening with our family and the things happening in our is such a blessing!

Hoping you had an incredible day as well, see you on Day 7!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Farewell Day 5

First things first...I'm so on to Kelly. Something about all the texts she got with her friends congratulating her on the 2.5 lb loss made me suspicious...that and I'm an avid reader of her blog! KELLY...STOP CHEATING. :)

Had a great day today. Breakfast and lunch with my boost and shake (plus Metaboliq stick) kept me satisfied all day. Enjoyed a dinner of scrambled eggs, ham and veggies, again, no hunger pains here! Spent some time enjoying a beautiful downpour on the road, always a good time. 37 and rainy may not be cold where you're from...but I moved to Florida for a reason and I think there was some serious false advertising going on! I hear-tell even Mickey is considering relocating further south.

Kelly and I spent some time enjoying Jack Canfield's 'The Success Principles' audio which just reinforced all the great info we've been reading in the book. We also got to enjoy some time with our beautiful daughters and our little man this afternoon which is always a blessing.

I sincerely hope your day was as great as ours and your tomorrow even better. To quote an incredible and inspiring team member of ours 'Today is the Day'...the phrase we repeat to one another every morning, first thing. Speaking of team members, congrats to our team for the incredible work they've done this week and a high five goes out to everyone who advanced one or more ranks this all never cease to amaze us, we are blessed to work with each of you and call you our friend!

Time for some sleep before another busy day tomorrow. Goodnight and God Bless!


Good Morning Day 5!

Good morning all! Sorry I didn't get online to post last night. We got in, ate a quick dinner (steak, 1/2 potato & broccoli), smootched babies, ran my 2.5 miles (it was very cold), then were off to a presentation on the MetaboliQ system at North Florida Medical Supply (thank you Sid!) with our awesome team and a very engaging doctor presenting the products. We got home, talked to some of our Texas team members who are building like crazy, texted with some incredible new 'silvers' and quite honestly, fell asleep in the recliners. What a week! Okay, so ... this morning the scale may have jumped out in front of me and I accidently stepped on it (shhhhh). :) I had lost 2.5 pounds in 4 days! WOW! Yet I'm not hungry, don't feel I am depriving myself and have more energy...I can do this! So, I've gathered up some good healthy food to bring to the food bank this weekend, ready to make our first visit and get a better visual of the good that we can do through our challenge. Now I tell you that because I know you wouldn't tell... :) This is so much fun already, enjoying every minute!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 4...the challenge continues

We are amazed how easy it is to follow this system. Started the day around 6 this morning. Had a breakfast shake around 7, brought Kelly 'breakfast in bed'...and set out to face the day. The adversities continued...but we had a refreshed outlook on the day and life in general and continue to see each challenge as a path to something better. After a busy morning working in the cold (okay, I've climated to Florida weather...there was no snow or anything), I enjoyed my MetaboliQ stick and a tasty shake. I am still pretty shocked that I'm not hungry between meals as physical as I am throughout the day. My biggest problem I've had is resisting the urge to get on the scale before our week is up. I'm feeling better and my pants are looser, so naturally I'm curious...but waiting not-so patiently (although I'm thinking my partner may have cheated on this one already). I started at 256lbs, confident I'll see a difference this weekend when I weigh in. On an even more positive note, the weight training and basketball are getting a little easier each day. Today we also had the privilege of welcoming some new IBOs (Independent Business Owners) onto our Qivana is good. Now off to work out and get ready for tonight's fantastic opportunity meeting and MetaboliQ Presentation!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 3

My apologies for taking so long to post today. It has been a bit of a challenging day, not a bad day...because I fully believe that everything that happens in life leads us to greater simply challenging. Needless to say, we women tend to be emotionally charged when faced with adversity. I don't know about the rest of you out there, but what is my first response to emotion or stress? FOOD Something I'm proud of? Well of course not. But there you have it...stress=food, you've got it, my deepest, darkest secret. :) So, the good news? Not today! I started the day with the boost and shake as always (what a way to start the day-chocolate!). Then the 'challenge' presented itself. I'll be honest, the 'habit' kicked in and my first thought was chocolate, starbucks...etc. But my second thought was the pound for pound challenge...I eat something fattening, I basically take away from those who are truly hungry. Yeah...that's some serious motivation. So, I pushed forward, Nathan and I used each other as support...we reached up to our mentor and family...and got through the day- smiling none-the-less! Enjoyed our boost, shake and Metaboliq stick for lunch (which I have to say...feels like cheating it's sooo good). It makes it easier to resist the 'habit' of reaching for something sweet when you aren't hungry, that's for sure. Tonight after our dinner of Baked Chicken, a roll and veggies I'll be sure to pop a resist right away (just in case of a stress-induced sweet attack) which will of course stop that meaningless munching in its tracks. There you have it, Day 3, the good, the bad and the ugly. Looking forward to the webinar tonight featuring Dr. Donald K Layman who will talk in more detail about the MetaboliQ System. (in case you'd like to listen in) Then off to sleep before kick-starting day 4 and having the privilege of welcoming some incredible individuals into this wonderful Qivana family of ours (welcome ladies & gentlemen)! Good night day 3...


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Farewell Day 2

Well day 2 went great. I had my morning shake, no hunger pains and plenty of energy. Then enjoyed my shake and MetaboliQ stick for lunch on the go. The meal replacements not only taste great and fill you up but they are easy to have on the run. Then this evening Kelly and I passed one another a few times as she came and went from presentations and working with team members and I went out on an emergency call. We enjoyed a great dinner, taco salad, and then shared the Qivana MetaboliQ system with some friends. A quick workout and we're headed to bed before another busy day. I'm resisting the urge to step on the scale, but I already feel a difference...looking forward to seeing what the scale reads this weekend! Goodnight and see you on Day 3!


Day 2, off to a great start!

Great night, well rested and ready to tackle day 2! One boost and one shake down, no hunger pains and super productive! Several kind emails of encouragement and support from our wonderful Qivana team, mentors and founders as well as the food bank. Love being a part of such a wonderful company and working to help such a great organization. Already feeling skinny...more this afternoon!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good Night Day 1's time to wrap up day 1 and get some rest before day 2! After we finished the 3 presentations and 2 conference calls this evening we sat down and enjoyed a delicious dinner together..chicken, a whole wheat roll and broccoli, couldn't even finish the whole thing! It's amazing what turning our goal around to helping others did for our motivation...we were both exhausted from the day and ready to call it a night...but losing weight means feeding mouths. So...Nathan lifted weights and did a 30 min cardio and Kelly did a 45 minute cardio. When we take the focus off of ourselves and put it on others we can tap into a whole new level of motivation. On another exciting note, we sent a quick email off to our mentors and Qivana Founders to let them know about what we're doing...within an hour we already had a response with encouragement and support, only to reconfirm once again the amazing commitment these men have to their IBOs and to making a difference in communities. Speaking of commitment, a huge thank you to the first blogger who has pledged $5 for each pound we! Grateful to be where we are...ready to start shedding and donating pounds! Goodnight!
What a great way to start a weight loss journey by giving back to others. I am excited to watch as your pounds melt away. I am pledging $5 for every pound each of you loses. Can't wait to see how you progress and congratulations for inviting others to share in the Pound for Pound Challenge

Pound For Pound Challenge Day 1

Today is day one of our Pound for Pound Challenge. Our goal is to lose a total of 86.5lbs (Nathan-56, Kelly-30.5) while on the Qivana Metaboliq System. In an effort to 'give back while we lose' we've pledged to give a pound of food to the Food Bank of Manatee for each pound that we lose. We are encouraging others to join forces with us in our effort to make a difference in the lives of those who are hungry. We are so excited about the journey ahead and look forward to sharing it with you. There will soon be links to the food bank, photos and a way to pledge a donation for the amount of weight we are losing (a little friendly competition never hurt anyone).

Today was day one. We started the day with a Boost and a Metaboliq chocolate shake..surprisingly tasty. Neither of us fought hunger through the morning and enjoyed a Boost, a Metaboliq Shake and a Metaboliq chocolate stick (oooh so good!) for lunch. Again...we both stayed content through the afternoon with plenty of energy. Soon Nathan will return from a presentation and we'll enjoy a dinner of baked chicken breast, steamed broccoli and a roll...yup....a roll! Hurray for a meal plan that allows carbs! Then we'll work out and end the day with another quick post to finalize day one. We hope that many of you will follow our journey as we offer our pounds to a worthy cause!